Huedin, 1979

Ferenc Sinkó

Place and date of birth: Huedin, July 12, 1979

1998 – 2002 - Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Theatre Department, ACTING class (leading professor: Hatházi András, assistant: Szilágyi Palkó Csaba).

Since September 2002 - member of the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj.


Current parts


Ficsor - after Kosztolányi Dezső: Édes Anna, directed by István Szabó K.


Francisco - William Shakespeare: Hamlet, directed by Gábor Tompa


- András Visky: PORNO – THE STORY OF MY WIFE, directed by Árpád Árkosi


Jewish men - Sheldon Harnick – Jerry Bock – Joseph Stein: Fiddler on the Roof, directed by László Béres

Parts at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj:


- After Mark Twain: Róbert Lénárd – Ervin Erős – Dávid Klemm: Tom Sawyer, directed by Zoltán Puskás


Judge of the court, constables, choir - Tamási Áron: Ancestral Comfort, directed by László Béres


Cook - Bertolt Brecht − Paul Dessau: Mother Courage and Her Children, directed by Armin Petras


Maribárbola - Ernesto Anaya: Las Meninas, directed by Andrei Măjeri
With - Under Construction, directed by Krisztina Sipos
The Prince of Arragon - William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice, directed by Gábor Tompa


Dancing Master - Molière: The Bourgeois Gentleman, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu
Dávid - Illegitimate, directed by Adrian Sitaru


Steve - Tennessee Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire, directed by Tom Dugdale


Max - Anne Lepper: Seymour, directed by Balázs Bodolai
- Pour toujours, directed by Dominique Serrand
Stoker, Student - Franz Kafka: Amerika, directed by Michal Dočekal


The Shadow - Evgeny Shvarts: The Shadow, directed by Niky Wolcz
Akela - László Dés – Péter Geszti – Pál Békés: The Jungle Book, directed by Zoltán Puskás
Terry - Vivian Nielsen: Breaking the Waves, directed by Tom Dugdale
Third citizen - Friedrich Dürrenmatt: The Visit, directed by Gábor Tompa


Cecco - András Visky: Caravaggio Terminal, directed by Robert Woodruff
Áron - László Szabédi: Husband Career, directed by András Hatházi
Abyssinian minister / SS doctor / LM Member - Bohumil Hrabal: I Served the King of England, directed by Michal Dočekal
Elegant / Byzantine Death - Johannes von Tepl: Death and the Ploughman, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu


Gergő, old coachman - Zsigmond Móricz: I Can't Live Without Music, directed by András Hatházi


Amadou - Charles Mee: A Perfect Wedding, directed by Karin Coonrod
Leader of the Wolves - Frank L. Baum – Zalán Tibor: The Wizard of Oz, directed by Zoltán Puskás
Kim - Thomas Vinterberg – Mogens Rukov – Bo Hr. Hansen: Celebration, directed by Robert Woodruff


Biff - Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman, directed by Tom Dugdale
Metellus - Albert Camus: Caligula, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
Niko - Marin Držić: Dundo Maroje, directed by Robert Raponja
Policeman - Georg Büchner: Leonce and Lena, directed by Gábor Tompa
Phadrias - Aristophanes: Lysistrata or The City of Women, directed by Dominique Serrand


Basketwork Dummy - András Visky: Born for Never, directed by Gábor Tompa


Hérault-Séchelles - Georg Büchner: Danton's Death, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
Earl Rivers, brother of Queen Elizabeth - William Shakespeare: Richard III, directed by Gábor Tompa
Vladimir Karlovitch Rode - A.P. Chekhov: Three Sisters, directed by Gábor Tompa


Krumins - Danilo Kiš: A Tomb for Boris Davidovich, directed by Robert Raponja
Young Peer - Henrik Ibsen: Peer Gynt, directed by David Zinder
Second Minister - Thomas Bernhard: The Hunting Party, directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
Marco I - Giacomo Puccini: Gianni Schicchi, directed by Silviu Purcărete
Ilya Ilyitch Telegin, Yefim - A. P. Chekhov: Uncle Vanya, directed by Andrei Şerban


Host - William Shakespeare: The Merry Wives of Windsor, directed by Attila Keresztes


Simon - András Visky: Disciples, directed by Gábor Tompa
Dionysis - Euripides: The Bacchae, directed by David Zinder


The Knifethrower - Compiled from gipsy stories by Alan Lyddiard and Kinga Kelemen: Black Eyed Roses, directed by Alan Lyddiard
Announcer - Georg Büchner: Woyzeck, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
Mask - Carlo Goldoni: The Little Square, directed by Mona Chirilă
Doctor Placebo - Muszty Bea -Dobay András: The Miracle Cake, directed by Attila Keresztes


Jensen, flunkey - Henrik Ibsen: The Wild Duck, directed by Attila Keresztes


II. Scholar - Christopher Marlowe: The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
SERVANTS (who don’t get the oportunity to speak) - Carlo Goldoni: The Comic Theatre, directed by Gábor Rusznyák
Mascs - I. L. Caragiale: Carnival Adventures, directed by Mona Chirilă


Manashe - After S. Anski: White Fire, Black Fire (DYBBUK), directed by David Zinder
Played Parts as student:

PRÉZLI – Egressy Zoltán: Blue, Blue, Blue, directed by Szilágyi Palkó Csaba
SVETLOVIDOV / APLOMBOV... You Cannot Play Upon Me, after the works of A.P. Chekhov: Swan Song and The Wedding, directed by Hatházi András
JORGOS – R. M. Fassbinder: The Dago, directed by Hatházi András
VALMONT – Cristopher Hampton: Dangerous Liaisons, directed by Szilágyi Palkó Csaba
MONK TIMOTHEUS – N. Machiavelli: Mandragola, directed by Hatházi András
CONSCIENCEEveryman, directed by Vadas László
ALAJOS – Szép Ernő: Coffee Lounge, directed by Szilágyi Palkó Csaba

Other professional activities:

Directed performances at the GroundFloor Group:
Parental CTRL, 2015
Parallel, 2013
DIVAS, 2011
Post.Sync, 2010
Message, 2009
SUNSET, 2007

Attended workshops:

2005 – Kontakt - Budapest, Hungary
• Contact Improvisation– coach: Alicia Grayson (USA)
• Contact Improvisation– coach: Thomas Kampe (USA)
2004 – DanceWeb/Im Puls Tanz, Wien, Austria
• Contact Improvisation– coach: Andrew Harwood & Chris Aiken (USA/Kanada)
• Contact improvisation – coach: Nita Little (USA)
• Butoh – coach:  Ko Murobushi (Japan)
2001 – • IDMC (International Dance and Movement Course), Budapest
• Afro-pop - coach: Oboja Adu (Ghana)
• Broadway - coach: Phil LaDuka (USA)
• Salsa – coach: Hernan Toledo (Peru)
1999 – IDMC (International Dance and Movement Course), Budapest
• Afro-pop - coach: Oboja Adu (Ghana)
• Broadway - coach: Phil LaDuka (USA)

• Miklós Bánffy Award for directing Concord Floral


Kreon, directed by: Hatházi András, Duna Műhely – 2001
Calling for Corpse-watch, directed by: Hatházi András, Duna Műhely – 2002
The Spectacles, directed by: Mészáros Péter, Duna Műhely-Filmtett workshop– 2002

Artistic activity at the Hungarian Theatre


choreography - Pornocracy, directed by István Szabó K.


choreography - Péter Tasnádi-Sáhy's stage adaptation of H. Ch. Andersen's fairy tale: The Nightingale, directed by Traian Savinescu


choreography - Adaptation after Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound by Ágnes KALI and Gábor TOMPA: PROMETHEUS'22, directed by Gábor Tompa
directed by - Anne Lepper: Seymour – I'm only here by accident


choreography - Based on William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, directed by Attila Vidnyánszky Jr.
choreography - András Visky: PORNO – THE STORY OF MY WIFE, directed by Árpád Árkosi


directed by - Jordan Tannahill: Concord Floral
choreography - (In)visible, directed by Leta Popescu


directed by - Hormone


choreography - Pál Békés: The Lubberly Wizzard, directed by László Béres


directed by - #swansong
choreography - Csokonai Vitéz Mihály: The Widow of Mr. Karnyó and the Two Rascals, directed by Attila Keresztes


choreography - András Visky: Caravaggio Terminal, directed by Robert Woodruff
choreography - Miroslav Krleža: Leda, directed by Robert Raponja
choreography - Bohumil Hrabal: I Served the King of England, directed by Michal Dočekal


choreography - The Festive Dinner of Don Juan, directed by, set design by: Matthias Langhoff
choreography - Freefall adaptation after Caragiale: Leonida Gem Session, directed by Gábor Tompa


choreography - Thomas Vinterberg – Mogens Rukov – Bo Hr. Hansen: Celebration, directed by Robert Woodruff
choreography - Róbert Lakatos, Cecília Felméri: Draculatour or The Brand Stroker Project, directed by Róbert Lakatos


choreography - Ervin Lázár: The Four-square Round Forest, directed by István Albu
choreography - Albert Camus: Caligula, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
choreography, director's assistant - Marin Držić: Dundo Maroje, directed by Robert Raponja
choreography - William Shakespeare: Measure for Measure, directed by Matthias Langhoff


choreography - Hanoch Levin: Winter Funeral, directed by Elie Malka
choreography - F. M. Dostoevsky: The Devils, directed by István Albu


choreography - William Shakespeare: The Merry Wives of Windsor, directed by Attila Keresztes
choreography - Dániel Varró - Gábor Presser: Beyond the Smudgy Mountain, directed by Attila Keresztes


choreography - Ken Ludwig: Lend Me a Tenor, directed by Peter Bokor