Târgu-Mureș, 1994

Tamás Kiss

Place and date of birth: Târgu-Mureș, 28 December 1994

2018– 2020 • MA in Performing Arts (Acting), Babeș–Bolyai University, Faculty of Theatre and Television, Hungarian Theatre Institute, Cluj-Napoca
2015 –2018 • BA in Performing Arts (Acting), Babeș–Bolyai University, Faculty of Theatre and Television, Hungarian Theatre Institute, Cluj-Napoca. Teachers: József Bíró and Attila Keresztes
2010-2014 • Drama class, Sándor Plugor Art High School, Sf. Gheorghe 
2002-2010 • Violin player (minor in piano), Târgu Mureş Art High School

Since September 2020 - actor at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj.

Played Parts at Faculty:
Vershinin, SOLYONY – A. P. Chekhov: Scenes from Three Sisters. Director: Attila Keresztes, BBTU, Cluj
TRIGORIN, YAKOV – A. P. Chekhov: Scenes from The Seagull. Director: Attila Keresztes, BBTU, Cluj
GEORGE – Edward Albee: Scened from Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf? Director: József Bíró, BBTU, Cluj
TYBALT – William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet. Director: Attila Keresztes, BBTU, Cluj
ORLANDO – William Shakespeare: As You Like It. Director: Attila Keresztes, BBTU, Cluj
WILLIAM – David Harrower: Scenes from Knives in Hens. Director: Bálint Botos, BBTU, Cluj
LEON POPESCU – Petru Dumitriu: Youth of Bucharest. Playwright, director: Teodorescu Alex, BBTU, Cluj
TITEL – Petru Dumitriu: Tineri din Bucureşti. Director: Radu Tudosie. BBTU, Cluj
JOHAN – Ingmar Bergman: Scenes from a Marriage (scenes). Director: József Bíró. BBTU, Cluj
DANCER – Enikő Györgyjakab: Exposed – stage movement performance. Director: Enikő Györgyjakab. BBTU, Cluj
MACHEATH – Bertolt Brecht: The Threepenny Opera. Director: József Bíró. BBTU, Cluj

Current parts


Idiottus, the emperor’s illegitimate son / Second soldier - Pornocracy, directed by István Szabó K.
- Inspired by the life of Jenő Janovics, based on a text by Miklós Vecsei H. and Nikolett Németh, and the improvisations of the company: Janovics, directed by Attila Vidnyánszky jr.


Orestes - Adaptation based on Sophocles' tragedy by Ágnes Kali and Botond Nagy: Elektra, directed by Botond Nagy
Patikárius Jancsi - after Kosztolányi Dezső: Édes Anna, directed by István Szabó K.
Clerk at the Savings Bank - After Móricz Zsigmond: Relatives, directed by László Bocsárdi


Kratos, Expert, Camera operator - Adaptation after Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound by Ágnes KALI and Gábor TOMPA: PROMETHEUS'22, directed by Gábor Tompa
Laertes - William Shakespeare: Hamlet, directed by Gábor Tompa
Orderlies / Valets - Eugène Ionesco: Macbett, directed by Silviu Purcărete


Romeo - Based on William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, directed by Attila Vidnyánszky Jr.
Dogs - After George Orwell: Ervin Erős – Dávid Klemm – Róbert Lénárd: Animal Farm, directed by Zoltán Puskás


Motel Kamzoil, the Tailor - Sheldon Harnick – Jerry Bock – Joseph Stein: Fiddler on the Roof, directed by László Béres

Parts at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj:


- Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer, directed by Zoltán Puskás


Bence Gálfi, young constable - Tamási Áron: Ancestral Comfort, directed by László Béres


Robert - Anne Lepper: Seymour – I'm only here by accident, directed by Ferenc Sinkó
Eteocles, Polyneices, Young Oedipus - Robert Icke after Sophocles: Oedipus, direction and lighting design by: Andrei Șerban
Persian - Adaptation based on Antal Szerb's novel Journey by Moonlight, by Botond Nagy and Ágnes Kali: JOURNEY BY MOONLIGHT, directed by Botond Nagy

RILOW JANCSI – Frank Wedekind: Spring Awakening. Director: Attila Keresztes. Figura Studio Theatre, Gheorgheni, 2018.
GYPSY – Imre Kálmán-Krisztián Kiliti: Off operetta- M (after Countess Marica). Director: Krisztián Kiliti. Târgu Mureș National Theatre / Theater No. 1, Târgu Mureș, 2018.
BILL SYKES – Lionel Bart: Oliver! Director: Tünde Tóth, Szigligeti Theatre Oradea, Oradea, 2018.
DEMETRIUS – William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream. Director: Jakab Tarnóczy, Szigligeti Theatre Oradea, Oradea, 2018.
GIGI – Matei Vișniec: Sunset Express, director: Zakariás Zalán, Szigligeti Theatre Oradea, Oradea, 2019.
CITÓ – Magda Szabó- Zoltán Egressy: Tündér Lala. Director: Tünde Tóth, Szigligeti Theatre Oradea, Oradea, 2019.
JOHANN – Heinrich von Kleist: The Schroffenstein family. Director: Dániel Kovács D., Szigligeti Theatre Oradea, Oradea, 2020
DÉNES – Zsolt Benedek: Y. Director: Attila Balogh, Szigligeti Theatre Oradea, Oradea, 2020

• Debut Prize: Eszter Román and Tamás Kiss for their performances in Romeo and Juliet, 2020/2021 Season

Ubu Roi Proiject – Attila Keresztes, Monica Ciută - National University of Theatre and Film Arts, Bucharest, 2017
Riote Ljubljana Training – Street theatre workshop led by the Kud Ljud company, Ljubljana, 2017
Street theatre workshop and premiere, director: Gregorio Amicuzzi, Residui Teatro, Madrid, 2016