After George Orwell: Ervin Erős – Dávid Klemm – Róbert Lénárd

Animal Farm


Main stage
1h 40' without intermission

The farmer
Alpár Fogarasi
Napoleon, the pig
Gábor Viola
Snowball, the pig
Loránd Farkas
Squealer, the pig
András Buzási
Moses, the raven
Csilla Albert
Boxer, the horse
Ervin Szűcs
Clover, the horse
Gizella Kicsid
Mollie, the horse
Andrea Vindis
Benjamin, the donkey
Szabolcs Balla
Anikó Pethő
Zsolt Gedő , Tamás Kiss
Mr. Whymper
Róbert Laczkó Vass
Melinda Kántor , Zsuzsa Tőtszegi , Eszter Román , Éva Imre
Csilla Varga
Csaba Marosán , Andrea Kali
Gellért Ábrahám, Gergő Bíró, Hunor Fazakas, Dániel Uivarosi, Máté Pazsiczki
Venczel Lőrincz-Szabó, Gusztáv-Tivadar Magyari
József Antal-Dobra, Dávid Kerekes, János Nagy, Csaba-Zoltán Varga

directed by
Zoltán Puskás
Róbert Lénárd
music composed by
Dávid Klemm, Ervin Erős
Melinda Jakab
costume design
Andrea Ledenják
set design
Zoltán Puskás
light design
Róbert Majoros
set designer assistant
Gyopár Bocskai
Zoltán Horváth
director's assistant
Emőke Veres
stage manager
Réka Zongor
Date of the opening: May 21, 2021

Published in 1945, George Orwell's satirical novel Animal Farm is in fact an allegory and a critique of the Stalinist Soviet Union, and in a broader context, it explores how an initially beautiful and noble idea can degenerate into a total dictatorship.

Could we predict in advance what are the precursors that will lead to the construction of such a system? Can we detect these signs that precede revolutions in the way secret organizations are managed, meetings are held, marches sung in secret or by the features of certain characters?

The victory of the "revolution" brings forth the most glorious era: the economy is booming, in the context of abundance everyone receives double rations, participates in democratic rallies, makes common decisions, commemorates the glorious fight against man, the security of all being ensured by the seven commands agreed upon by everyone. In parallel, however, the ideal of equality is distorted as pigs come to power. They are beginning to enjoy more and more privileges in various fields: they learn to read and write, they are the ones who receive the milk, they do not work, but "lead"; the meetings disappear, "history" and the laws are reformed according to their own will.

As such, Orwell asks the following question: could social equality be actually achieved or will there always be a need for someone who works and someone else who leads?