Miercurea-Ciuc, 1983

Szabolcs Balla

Place and date of birth: Miercurea-Ciuc, May 20, 1983

1997–2001 - Nagy István Art Lyceum, Miercurea-Ciuc
2001–2005 - Szentgyörgyi István Faculty of Theatre Arts Târgu-Mureş
since September 2005 - actor at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj.
Most important parts played at University:
PANTALONE – Carlo Goldoni: The Servant at Two Masters, directed by Liviu Pancu, 2001
THE WOOD DEMON – A.P. Chekhov: The Wood Demon, 2002
TREPLIOV – A. P. Csehov: Seagull, 2003
FÓRIS – Örkény István: Keyfinders, directed by Parászka Miklós, 2004
EDEK – Slavomir Mrozek: Tango, directed by Kincses Elemér, 2004
JUPITER – Heinrich von Kleist: Amphytrion, directed by Hargitai Iván, 2005

Current parts


Philip / First soldier / Revolutionary - Pornocracy, directed by István Szabó K.


- Hans Christian Andersen: The Nightingale, directed by Traian Savinescu


Osric - William Shakespeare: Hamlet, directed by Gábor Tompa
Soldier - Eugène Ionesco: Macbett, directed by Silviu Purcărete


Benjamin, the donkey - After George Orwell: Ervin Erős – Dávid Klemm – Róbert Lénárd: Animal Farm, directed by Zoltán Puskás


Yussel, the Hatter - Sheldon Harnick – Jerry Bock – Joseph Stein: Fiddler on the Roof, directed by László Béres

Parts at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj:


- Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer, directed by Zoltán Puskás


Chaplain - Bertolt Brecht − Paul Dessau: Mother Courage and Her Children, directed by Armin Petras


- Mercenaries – Corneliu Seghedi’s Tender Touch, directed by Ioana Păun
Solanio - William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice, directed by Gábor Tompa


Martial Arts Master - Molière: The Bourgeois Gentleman, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu
Mr. Lies, Harper’s imaginary friend, a travel agent, Belize, a registered nurse and former drag queen - Tony Kushner: Angels in America II. - Perestroika, directed by: Victor Ioan Frunză
Belize, a registered nurse and former drag queen, Mr. Lies, Harper’s imaginary friend, a travel agent - Tony Kushner: Angels in America I. - Millenium Approaches, directed by: Victor Ioan Frunză


Bagoly, teacher - Zsigmond Móricz – Tibor Kocsák – Tibor Miklós: Be Faithful Unto Death, directed by László Béres
Lieutenant Balla - György Dragomán: Galoshes, directed by András Visky


Robert - Anne Lepper: Seymour, directed by Balázs Bodolai
First man - Service Area or They're All Doing It, directed by István Kövesdy
Cassius - William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, directed by Silviu Purcărete


Kaa - László Dés – Péter Geszti – Pál Békés: The Jungle Book, directed by Zoltán Puskás
Karnyó, an old merchant - Csokonai Vitéz Mihály: The Widow of Mr. Karnyó and the Two Rascals, directed by Attila Keresztes
Toby - Friedrich Dürrenmatt: The Visit, directed by Gábor Tompa
Damázsdi - Nagy Ignác: Local Elections, directed by István Kövesdy


Jonas Fogg - Stephen Sondheim - Hugh Wheeler: Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
Second gentleman - László Szabédi: Husband Career, directed by András Hatházi
Waiter / SS officer - Bohumil Hrabal: I Served the King of England, directed by Michal Dočekal
Cameraman, Beatboxer - Johannes von Tepl: Death and the Ploughman, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu


Lali, bassist - Zsigmond Móricz: I Can't Live Without Music, directed by András Hatházi
McArthur, young Rose, policeman - Friedrich Dürrenmatt: The Physicists, directed by Lori Petermann
Borkán - Freefall adaptation after Caragiale: Leonida Gem Session, directed by Gábor Tompa


Jonathan - Charles Mee: A Perfect Wedding, directed by Karin Coonrod
Door-keeper - Frank L. Baum – Zalán Tibor: The Wizard of Oz, directed by Zoltán Puskás
Cameraman I - Thomas Vinterberg – Mogens Rukov – Bo Hr. Hansen: Celebration, directed by Robert Woodruff


Ló Szerafin - Ervin Lázár: The Four-square Round Forest, directed by István Albu
Octavius - Albert Camus: Caligula, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
Pijero - Marin Držić: Dundo Maroje, directed by Robert Raponja
Second Councilor - Georg Büchner: Leonce and Lena, directed by Gábor Tompa
The Spartan Herald - Aristophanes: Lysistrata or The City of Women, directed by Dominique Serrand


Angel Samuelov, The Angel of Death - Hanoch Levin: Winter Funeral, directed by Elie Malka


Second Citizen - Georg Büchner: Danton's Death, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
Bishop of Ely - William Shakespeare: Richard III, directed by Gábor Tompa


Osherovich, Viazemski, Korshunidze - Danilo Kiš: A Tomb for Boris Davidovich, directed by Robert Raponja
Betto II - Giacomo Puccini: Gianni Schicchi, directed by Silviu Purcărete


Robin, page of Falstaff - William Shakespeare: The Merry Wives of Windsor, directed by Attila Keresztes
Huge Giraffe Bird - Dániel Varró - Gábor Presser: Beyond the Smudgy Mountain, directed by Attila Keresztes
Other parts:
J.D.POST.SYNC, directed by Ferenc Sinkó, a GroundFloor Group production, 2010

Workshop participation:
Yoshi Oida Workshop – 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Asociaţia ArtHoc
Gombrowicz Workshop with Tadeusz Bradecki – 2008, organized at the UTE Festival, Cluj-Napoca

- A Griff, a Dámvad és a Varjú (documentary), directed by Kata Oláh, 2012
- X- Wert vom Wissen, produced by Babeş-Bolyai University, directed by Melinda Cseh and Michael Galatik, 2006.
- Cronicar State formation, Duna TV, 2006 

- Tibor Bálint: Ziua mântuirii, Radio Cluj, 2008
- Numerous radio commercial at radio stations from Cluj-Napoca, and radio commercials produced by Open Castin Agency, Budapest

Other activities
Founding member and president of Balla & Vajna Projects Cultural Association

Spoken languages: Hungarian, Romanian, English, German – advanced

Website: http://szabolcsballa.com/ 

Artistic activity at the Hungarian Theatre


live music - William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice, directed by Gábor Tompa


musicians - A. P. Chekhov: Short story of a Double Bass, directed by Paco Alfonsín