Sfântu Gheorghe, 1972

Lóránd Váta

Place and date of birth: Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania, September 19, 1972
1983–91– Highschool of music, Sfântu Gheorghe, violon, canto                          
1991–95– Theatre Academie, Târgu Mureş, art of acting, performing art
1995– finishes his studies at the Szentgyörgyi István Faculty for Theatre Arts Târgu-Mureş
Studies of dance:
Place: International Dance and Mouvement Center (IDMC), Budapest, Hungary
Years: 1992-1999, 2002
- step dans – with coordination of Swen Götlicher (Germania)
- funky jazz – with coordination of Phil LaDuca (USA)   
- broadway-musical – with coordination of Phil LaDuca (USA)   
- afro-caribi – with coordination of Tarin  D. Hampton (SUA) 
- acrobatic theatre – with coordination of Jarry Snell, Nadine Touin (Québec, Canada)             
- street-jazz – with coordination of Silke Ortloff (Germania)
- afro-pop – with coordination of Oboja Adu (Ghana)                        
- butoh – with coordination of Tadashi Endo (Germania)
Within 1995–2009 actor at the Tamási Áron Theatre of Sfântu Gheorghe.
Since September, 2009 – actor at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj.


Current parts


Sevros, builder, ethnic / Second armed person / Small Spirit - Pornocracy, directed by István Szabó K.
- Inspired by the life of Jenő Janovics, based on a text by Miklós Vecsei H. and Nikolett Németh, and the improvisations of the company: Janovics, directed by Attila Vidnyánszky jr.


The old man - Albert Camus: The Misunderstanding, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu


Aegisthus - Adaptation based on Sophocles' tragedy by Ágnes Kali and Botond Nagy: Elektra, directed by Botond Nagy


Balázs Béla, Benny Goodman, Ady Endre, Eminem, women and men, bugs, so everyone else: - Inspired by the lives of Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, based on a text by Miklós Vecsei H. and improvisations of the company: Young Barbarians, directed by Attila Vidnyánszky Jr.
Candor - Eugène Ionesco: Macbett, directed by Silviu Purcărete


The Prince / Peter - Based on William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, directed by Attila Vidnyánszky Jr.


Mordcha, the Innkeeper - Sheldon Harnick – Jerry Bock – Joseph Stein: Fiddler on the Roof, directed by László Béres


Krogstad - Henrik Ibsen: A Doll's House, directed by Botond Nagy

Parts at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj:


Teiresias, Laios - Robert Icke after Sophocles: Oedipus, direction and lighting design by: Andrei Șerban
János Szepetneki - Adaptation based on Antal Szerb's novel Journey by Moonlight, by Botond Nagy and Ágnes Kali: JOURNEY BY MOONLIGHT, directed by Botond Nagy
Lopakhin, Yermolay Alekseich - A. P. Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard, directed by Yuri Kordonsky


- Don’t be a stranger, musical coordinator: Ábel Tompa
Henry (“Harry”) James - Susan Sontag: Alice in bed, directed by Dorka Porogi
Rodrigo Quast - Frank Wedekind: Lulu, directed by Enikő Eszenyi


The Prince of Morocco - William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice, directed by Gábor Tompa


Covielle, Cléonte's valet - Molière: The Bourgeois Gentleman, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu


- The Blind, directed by Botond Nagy
Sarkadi, teacher - Zsigmond Móricz – Tibor Kocsák – Tibor Miklós: Be Faithful Unto Death, directed by László Béres


Stroom - Madách Imre: The Civilizator, directed by István Kövesdy
- Pour toujours, directed by Dominique Serrand
Delamarche - Franz Kafka: Amerika, directed by Michal Dočekal
Casca - William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, directed by Silviu Purcărete


Minister of Finance - Evgeny Shvarts: The Shadow, directed by Niky Wolcz
Singer - Vivian Nielsen: Breaking the Waves, directed by Tom Dugdale
Samu, their son, who is mad - Csokonai Vitéz Mihály: The Widow of Mr. Karnyó and the Two Rascals, directed by Attila Keresztes
The doctor - Friedrich Dürrenmatt: The Visit, directed by Gábor Tompa


Pop - Stephanie Robinson & Theodore Shank: Serena in X-tremis, directed by István Albu
Beadle Bamford - Stephen Sondheim - Hugh Wheeler: Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
Puzyrov - father - Al. I. Vvedenski: Christmas at the Ivanovs, directed by András Urbán
Mr. Skřivánek, waiter / Gestapo - Bohumil Hrabal: I Served the King of England, directed by Michal Dočekal
Death's master of ceremony - Johannes von Tepl: Death and the Ploughman, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu


Herbert Georg Beutler, or Newton - Friedrich Dürrenmatt: The Physicists, directed by Lori Petermann


Poul - Thomas Vinterberg – Mogens Rukov – Bo Hr. Hansen: Celebration, directed by Robert Woodruff


Ben - Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman, directed by Tom Dugdale
Hugo - Marin Držić: Dundo Maroje, directed by Robert Raponja
King Peter of the Kingdom of Popo - Georg Büchner: Leonce and Lena, directed by Gábor Tompa


Nikolai Vsevolodovich Stavrogin - F. M. Dostoevsky: The Devils, directed by István Albu
Played Parts at the Theatre Academie, Târgu Mureş:
PROLOG – Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, directed by Judit Elek (1992)
APOLLOBacchus, or the God of Vine, directed by Géza Gergely (1992)
SABELSKI – Chekhov: Ivanov, directed by István Kövesdy (1992)
MAGICIAN – Lebovics: The Thousandst year, directed by Olga Barabás (1993)
TIMON – Shakespeare: Timon of Athens, directed by Olga Barabás (1994)
FLORINDO – Goldoni: The Lying, directed by Olga Barabás (1994)
ALAN – Peter Schaffer: Equus, directed by Béla Merő (1994)
CAVALRYMAN –  The Farmers Decameron, directed by László Vándorfi (1994)                           
SAMUEL – Csokonai: Lady Karnyo (1995 )
Played Parts at the National Theatre of Târgu Mureş:
THE DEATH – Márquez: Hundred Years of Solitude, directed by Elemér Kincses (1991)
GIPSY – András Sütő: The Singing Bride, directed by Elemér Kincses (1993)
GUTA – Mihály Vörösmarty – Gábor Görgey: The Misteries of the Veil, directed by László Tarr (1994)                                     
Played Parts at the Citadelle Theater of Kőszeg (Hungary):
CHÉRUBIN – Beaumarchais: The Figaro’s Marriage, directed by Béla Merő (1995)
Played Parts at the Tamási Áron Theatre of Sfântu Gheorghe:
1994/1995 Season
ERUDITE – Svarc: The Shadow, directed by László Bocsárdi (coproduction of the Tamási Áron Theatre of Sfântu Gheorghe and the Figura Studio Theatre of Gheorgheni)
1995/1996 Season
HOVSTAD – Ibsen: An Enemy of the People, directed by László Bocsárdi
1996/1997 Season
TADEK – Witkiewicz: The Water Hen, directed by László Bocsárdi
1997/1998 Season
SGANARELLE – Moliére: Don Juan, directed by Olga Barabás
NOVOTNY – Károly Nóty: Open Windows, directed by András Balogh
HERACLE – Euripides: Alcestis, directed by László Bocsárdi
TRUFFALDINO – Goldoni: Servant of Two Masters, directed by László Harsányi Sulyom
1998/1999 Season
KAKUK MARCI – Tersánszky: Kakuk Marci, directed by Lajos Soltis
SPIGELSKI – Turgenev: A Month in the Country, directed by László Bocsárdi
1999/2000 Season
LUCIO – Shakespeare: Measure for Measure, directed by László Bocsárdi
MADS MOEN –  Ibsen: Peer Gynt, directed by Olga Barabás
2000/2001 Season
TURAI SÁNDOR – Ferenc Molnár: Play at the Castle, directed by István Kövesdy
2001/2002 Season
THE FIRST – Tadeusz Słobodzianek: Prophet Ilya, directed by László Bocsárdi
STUXWhat do you do, dear Stux? – One man show
MATEI PREDAMiracle, based on a play The Singing Bird by Áron Tamási, directed by László Bocsárdi
2002/2003 Season
TYBALT – Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, directed by László Bocsárdi
ALEXANDRU PAZMAN – Jenő Heltai, Albert Szirmai: The Girls from Fairy-land, directed by István Kövesdy
BERT – Olga Barabás: Coasts, Cliffs, Waves, directed by Olga Barabás
2003/2004 Season
ANNOUNCER – Sophocles: Antigone, directed by László Bocsárdi 
THE GOD – Brecht: Looking for a Good Man! (after Bertolt Brecht’s The Good Person of Szechwan), directed by László Bocsárdi
2004/2005 Season
JAGO – Shakespeare: Othello, directed by László Bocsárdi
DIENES – Bálint Balassi: Beautiful Hungarian Comedy, directed by Viola Török
2005/2006 Season
VLADIMIR – Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot, directed by Gábor Tompa
EDWIN – Imre Kálmán, István Békeffy, Dezső Kellér: Sylvia, directed by Attila Keresztes
2006/2007 Season
EDGAR – Shakespeare: King Lear, directed by László Bocsárdi (coproduction with the National Theatre of Budapest)
JONATHAN BRADOCK – Zsolt Pozsgai, István Pinczés, Zeno Apostolache: After the Diploma, directed by István Pinczés
BALGA – Mihály Vörösmarty: Csongor and Tünde, directed by Viola Török
2007/2008 Season
DOC – Dürrenmatt: The Collaborator, directed by Zalán Zakariás
CURLEYGeorge and Lennie, directed by Olga Barabás
CIRILL – Witold Gombrowicz: Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy, directed by László Bocsárdi
2008/2009 Season
SORIN – Chekhov: The Seagull, directed by Csaba Kiss
LEBLANC – F. Veber: The Dinner Game, directed by Mircea Cornisteanu
OBERON – Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Viola Török
LORI – Olga Barabás: Alexanderplatz, directed by Olga Barabás, ARTEAST Foundation, Târgu Mureş (2000)
TRUFFALDINO – Carlo Gozzi: Turandot, directed by Gavril Pinte, Teatrul Csíki Játékszín, Miercurea Ciuc (2001)
LUCIUS – Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus, directed by László Bocsárdi, Gyula Castle Theatre (Hungary) (2003)
GENERAL – Chekhov: The Wedding, directed by Florin Vidamski, Studio Theatre Figura, Gheorgheni (2006)
Film roles:
Light falls on your face, directed by Gyula Gulyás, dir. of photography: Vivi Drăgan Vasile, producer: CastelFilm Studios and New Budapest Filmstudios (2001)
KUTAS LÁSZLÓGo away!, directed by Dániel Erdélyi, dir. of photography: Gergely Pohárnok, producer: Filmplus Budapest (2001)
FATHER ZOLTÁNThe Game, directed by Péter Gárdos, dir. of photography: László Seregi, producer: Tivolifilm, Budapest (2008)
THE SECURISTGetting Back, directed by Judit Elek, dir. of photography: László Berger, producer:  Danelfilmstudio Budapest (2009)
2001 – Golden Brau comercial produced by CastelFilm Studios
2002 – Zapp mobile comercial produced by CastelfFilm Studios   
2004 – Motan termic installations comercial produced by CastelFilm Studios
Festivals, prizes:
ATELIER – International Festival of Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania
• 1998 – nomination for the best male prize (Heracle, Euripides – Alceste
• 1999 – nomination for the best male prize (Sganarelle, Moliere – Don Juan)
• 2004 – nomination for the best male prize (Announcer, Sophocles – Antigone)
Hungarian Theater Festival Hungary
• 1999 – prize for the best male actor
• 2003 – prize for the best male actor
Young Actor’s Gala, Costineşti, Romania
• 1999 – nomination for the best male prize
Theatral Collocvium , Gheorgheni, Romania
• 2001 – prize for the best male actor
Lyrics Festival  – organised by Hungarian Radio (Budapest, Hungary)
• 2005 - prize for the best lyric actor of Television Duna (Hungary)
            - prize of General Press Editure (Budapest)
            - prize of Association of Hungarian Lyric actors (Budapest)
• 2006  - second place
• Foundation Communitas 2005 – bourse for the theatrical activity
• 2009 – Jászai Mari Award
• Uniter Award for the Best Actor in a Leading (Lopakhin, Yermolay Alekseich / The Cherry Orchard)