Oradea, 1968

Róbert Kardos M.

Place and date of birth: 24 April 1968, Oradea.



1990 - 1994: Academia de Artă, Târgu Mureș, Facultatea de Actorie.
1994 - 2002: member of the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
2002 - 2022: member of the Szigligeti Theatre Company
2023 - rejoining the company of the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj

Current parts


Libidinous, rebel / Extreme right person - Pornocracy, directed by István Szabó K.
Antal Bürger, dresser and tailor - Inspired by the life of Jenő Janovics, based on a text by Miklós Vecsei H. and Nikolett Németh, and the improvisations of the company: Janovics, directed by Attila Vidnyánszky jr.


- Hans Christian Andersen: The Nightingale, directed by Traian Savinescu


Paedagogus - Adaptation based on Sophocles' tragedy by Ágnes Kali and Botond Nagy: Elektra, directed by Botond Nagy

Parts at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj:


- Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer, directed by Zoltán Puskás


BARTOLO - Pierre-Augustin de Beaumarchais: The Marriage of Figaro, or The Crazy Day, directed by Bálint Botos, 2022
SAMU BÁCSI, OLD RELATIVE AND MAN at CZINTOS - Áron Tamási: Deceitful Rainbow, directed by Péter Telihay, 2022
MAYOR - Friedrich Dürrenmatt: The Visit, directed by: Eszter Novák, 2021
GÜL BABA - Jenő Huszka: Gül Baba, directed by Péter Forgács, 2021
PERFORMER - Cabaret 120, director: Eszter Novák, 2021
POLONIUS, First Gravedigger, OSRIC - William Shakespeare's Hamlet, directed by Péter Telihay, 2020
ANGELUSZ - Ernő Szép - Sándor Guelmino: Purple Acacia, directed by Bálint Botos, 2019
PERFORMER - Matei Vișniec: Occident Express, directed by Zalán Zakariás, 2019
PERFORMER - Marie Jones: Stones in His Pocket, directed by Attila Balogh, 2018
PORFIRIY SZEMYONOVITCH GLAGOLYEV - A. P. Chekhov: Platonov, directed by Bálint Botos, 2018
VANGOLD, RETIRED TRANSPORTER - Kornél Hamvai - Dániel Varró - Benedek Darvas: Lockdown at the Grand Hotel, directed by Dorka Porogi, 2017
ACDAK - Bertolt Brecht - Paul Dessau: The Caucasian Chalk Circle, directed by Anca Bradu, 2017
ORONTE - Molière: The Misanthrope, director: Eszter Novák, 2017
ARNOLD FELDMANN, ONCE ATTILA MEZEI, ANTIQUES DEALER - PERFORMER - Gábor Varga: Furnace farewell, directed by Attila Gáspárik, 2017
PERFORMER - Based on János Arany: Where from and where to - the poetry of J. A., director: Eszter Novák, 2017
A GENERAL MANAGER - Milán Füst: Aunt Mali, directed by Gábor Koltai M. Koltai, 2016
BLOCQ, THE SHOP OWNER - Joël Pommerat: My Cold Room, directed by Theodor Cristian Popescu, 2016
Ivan Romanovich Chebutykin - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: Three Sisters, directed by Attila Balogh, 2016
HENJEK - Tadeusz Slobodzianek: Our Class, directed by Anca Bradu, 2015
PERFORMER - Happiness Express, directed by László Harsányi Sulyom, 2015
MOROSÁN DEMETER - Gergely Csiky: Bubbles, directed by: Eszter Novák, 2015
TALPIGHY, VARGÁNYAI GUSZTÁV (LEOPOLD) - Lajos Parti Nagy - Ferenc Darvas: Ibusár, directed by István Szabó K., 2015
UNDERSECRETARY - István Kerékgyártó: Puzzle, lecture theatre, 2015
LILIOM - Ferenc Molnár: Liliom, directed by János Szikora, 2014
RAKITYIN, BARAT - Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenyev: A Month in the Country, directed by Zsolt Harsányi, 2013
ODOAKER, THE HEAD OF THE GERMANS - Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Romulus the Great, directed by István Szabó K., 2013
HENRY HIGGINS - Alan Jay Lerner- Frederick Loewe: My Fair Lady, directed by Attila Réthly, 2012
Count ALMAVIVA - Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais: The Barber of Seville, directed by Zalán Zakariás, 2022
CREON - Sophocles: Oedipus, directed by István Szabó K. Szabó, 2012
URGENTINO - Howard Barker: Scenes from an Execution, directed by Theodor Cristian Popescu, 2012
MISKA - Szirmai-Bakonyi-Gábor: Miska the Magnate, directed by Csaba Tasnádi, 2011
SZELLEMFI - Szigligeti Ede: Liliomfi, directed by Attila Keresztes, 2011
MAROCCO - David Greig: Europe, directed by István K. Szabó, 2011
KOHLHAAS MIHÁLY - István Tasnádi: Public Enemy, directed by Csaba Tasnádi, 2011
King Peter of the Kingdom Popo - Georg Büchner: Leonce and Lena, directed by Tünde Baczó, 2011
THE FATHER - Luigi Pirandello: Six Characters in Search of an Author, directed by Zalán Zakariás, 2010
JÁNOS RIGÓ - Lajos Parti Nagy: Mausoleum, directed by István Szabó K. Szabó, 2010
HAMLET - Imagine, he is sick! , directed by Árpád Árkosi, 2009
RIDOLFO, OWNER of the COFFEE SHOP - Carlo Goldoni: Coffee Shop, directed by Anca Bradu, 2009
MERKL FRANZ - Ödön von Horvath: Casimir and Karoline, directed by Anca Bradu, 2009
FREDERICK TREVES - Bernard Pomerance: The Elephant Man, directed by Russell Boyce, 2009
PERFORMER - Géza Aczél: Waiting for Timur, directed by Ottó Demcsák, 2008
SIPOS LAJOS - Ferenc Molnár: The Glass Slipper, directed by Levente Kovács, 2008
ANTIPHOLUS OF EPHESUS, ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE, SONS OF EGEON AND EMILIA - Shakespeare / B.: The Comedy of Errors, directed by Géza Bodolay, 2008
PHILIP, THE SPANISH KING, STUBBES, HEADSMAN, WITHGIFT - Paul Foster: Elizabeth I, directed by Levente Kovács, 2007
EDVIN - Imre Kálmán: Die Csárdásfürstin, director: György Nemlaha, 2007
TRISSOTIN - Molière: The Learned Women, directed by Miklós Parászka, 2007
LELIO - Carlo Goldoni: The Liar, directed by László Vadas, 2006
TAR - Magda Szabó: That beautiful, bright day, directed by Vilmos Meleg, 2006
YOLLAND FIRST lieutenant - Brian Friel: Translations, directed by Russell Boyce, 2006
WATCHMAN - Sándor Rideg - Géza Bereményi: The Watchman's House Begins, directed by István Pinczés, 2006
Count RICSI MÁLNAY - Béla Zerkovitz - László Szilágyi: The Kissing Lady, directed by Vilmos Meleg, 2006
PÉTER - Sándor Bródy: The Nanny, directed by József Szabó, 2005
PÉTERFFY - Imre Kálmán - Ferenc Martos - Miksa Bródy: Miss Zsuzsi, directed by Vilmos Meleg, 2005
CASSIUS - William Shakespeare: Othello, the Moor of Venice, directed by Elemér Kincses, 2005
RÁKÓCZI FERENC II - Géza Páskándi: For the Fatherland and for Freedom, directed by Gábor Koltay, 2004
WINNIE THE POOH - Alan Alexander Milne: Winnie the Pooh, directed by Levente Kovács, 2004
SASHA - Janusz Glowacki: Antigone in New York, directed by Alexandru Colpacci, 2004
KADISA - Mór Jókai: The Man with the Golden Touch, directed by László Gali, 2004
LÁSZLÓ ILLÉSHÁZY, COUNT - Ferenc Martos - Jenő Huszka: Baroness Lili, directed by László Vadas, 2004
PERFORMER - There is nothing more beautiful than love, edited by Lóránt Madarász, 2004
THE RECRUITER, 1. STRETCHER-BEARER, 1. SOLDIER, ENSIGN - Bertolt Brecht: Mother Courage and her Children, directed by Miklós Parászka, 2003
PERFORMER - Elemér Kincses: The Gutter, directed by Elemér Kincses, 2003
DANFORTH - Arthur Miller: The Witches of Salem, directed by Levente Kovács, 2003
OTTÓ / RUDOLF - Miklós Hubay: Freud, or the dream of the oneirocritic, directed by István Pinczés, 2003
CSABA MAKÁTS - István Zágon - Károly Nóti - Mihály Eisemann: Hippolyt, the lackey, directed by György Wellman, 2003
KESZEG ANDRÁS - William Shakespeare: AS You Like It, directed by Géza Bodolay, 2003
ISTVÁN KOPJÁSS - Zsigmond Móricz: Relatives, directed by Géza Bodolay, 2002
PERFORMER - Ady, Oradea, composed and directed by Vilmos Meleg, 2002


2001 - MIKLÓS BÁNFFY PRIZE of the Hungarian Cultural Society of Transylvania
2008 - PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD for Best Actor in a Leading Role
2010 - Várad Magazine's SPECIAL PRIZE, V. Interethnic Festival, Arad
2011 - TOMPA MIKLÓS PRIZE of the THungarian Cultural Society of Transylvania
2012 - BEST MALE Actor in a Leading Role, VI Interethnic Theatre Festival, Oradea
2017 - Best Supporting Actor Award of the Szigligeti Theatre Company