Bucharest, 1964

Miklós Bács

Place and Date of Birth: Bucharest, September 27, 1964

1984–1988 - Szentgyörgyi István Faculty for Theatre Arts Târgu-Mureş, student of the emeritus artist Lohinszky Loránd
1992-postgraduate course at Oxford Stage Company, U.K.

Since september 1988 - actor at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj

Lector at the Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Cathedra for Theatre Arts
At present doctorand, his thesis title: Moren and Pirandello's Theatre.
Member of the Romanian Theatre Union (UNITER)


Current parts


Director Janovics - Inspired by the life of Jenő Janovics, based on a text by Miklós Vecsei H. and Nikolett Németh, and the improvisations of the company: Janovics, directed by Attila Vidnyánszky jr.


William Cecil, Lord Burleigh - Friedrich Schiller: Mary Stuart, directed by Diego de Brea


Mayor / Secretary to the Mayor - After Móricz Zsigmond: Relatives, directed by László Bocsárdi


Duncan - Eugène Ionesco: Macbett, directed by Silviu Purcărete

Parts at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj:


Creon - Robert Icke after Sophocles: Oedipus, direction and lighting design by: Andrei Șerban
Mihály's father - Adaptation based on Antal Szerb's novel Journey by Moonlight, by Botond Nagy and Ágnes Kali: JOURNEY BY MOONLIGHT, directed by Botond Nagy
Simeonov-Pishchik, Boris Borisovich - A. P. Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard, directed by Yuri Kordonsky


Dr. Franz Schöning, editor in chief - Frank Wedekind: Lulu, directed by Enikő Eszenyi


- Mercenaries – Corneliu Seghedi’s Tender Touch, directed by Ioana Păun


Monsieur Jourdain, bourgeois - Molière: The Bourgeois Gentleman, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu
Viktor - Illegitimate, directed by Adrian Sitaru


Kroll - Henrik Ibsen: Rosmersholm, directed by Andriy Zholdak
Satine - Maxim Gorky: The Lower Depths, directed by Yuri Kordonsky


Uncle, Servant at the Pollunders - Franz Kafka: Amerika, directed by Michal Dočekal
Marcus Antonius - William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, directed by Silviu Purcărete


Secretary of State / Mr. Šroubek, hotel owner / Man of Steel - Bohumil Hrabal: I Served the King of England, directed by Michal Dočekal


Safta, Rusz Péter - Freefall adaptation after Caragiale: Leonida Gem Session, directed by Gábor Tompa


Drakis - Aristophanes: Lysistrata or The City of Women, directed by Dominique Serrand


Baraguntsale, her husband - Hanoch Levin: Winter Funeral, directed by Elie Malka


Robespierre - Georg Büchner: Danton's Death, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
King Edward IV, Archbishop - William Shakespeare: Richard III, directed by Gábor Tompa


Amantio di Nicolao - Giacomo Puccini: Gianni Schicchi, directed by Silviu Purcărete


Zoe Trahanache - I.L. Caragiale: The Lost Letter, directed by Gábor Tompa


Captain - Georg Büchner: Woyzeck, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
Donna Catte Panchiana - Carlo Goldoni: The Little Square, directed by Mona Chirilă


Jancu Pampon - I. L. Caragiale: Carnival Adventures, directed by Mona Chirilă


The Mesulah - After S. Anski: White Fire, Black Fire (DYBBUK), directed by David Zinder


- Witold Gombrowicz: OPERETTA, directed by Gábor Tompa


- Mihail Bulgakov: THE CABAL OF HYPOCRITES, directed by Gábor Tompa


Mr. Martin - Eugène Ionesco: THE BALD SOPRANO, directed by Gábor Tompa


Probus - János Székely: CALIGULA'S GOVERNOR, directed by Gábor Tompa


- Hsing-Chien: The Bus Stop, directed by Gábor Tompa
2000/2001 Season
THE MISTERIOUS CHARACTER• F.G. Lorca: Blood Wedding, directed by Mona Chirilă

1999/2000 Season
JEVAKIN • N.V. Gogol: Marriage, directed by Mona Chirilă
ORONTE • Moliere: The Misanthrope, directed by Tompa Gábor

1998/1999 Season
MACK THE KNIFE• Bertolt Brecht – Kurt Weil: The Threepenny Opera, directed by Kövesdy István

1997/1998 Season
PARIS • W. Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida, directed by Tompa Gábor
CAMILLE CHANDEBISE • Feydeau: A Flea in Her Ear, directed by Kövesdy István

1996/1997 Season
LELIO • Carlo Goldoni: The Venetian Twins, directed by Vlad Mugur
BORKIN • A.P. Chekhov: Ivanov, directed by Kövesdy István

1995/1996 Season
BARON CHARME • Witold Gomrowicz: Operetta, directed by Tompa Gábor

1994/1995 Season
PHILIBERT DU CROISY • Mihail Bulgakov: The Intrigue of the Hypocrites, directed by Tompa Gábor

1993/1994 Season
CHODZKO • Spiró György: The Impostor, directed by Árkosi Árpád

1992/1993 Season
IBRAHIM • Márton László: The Ambitious, directed by Parászka Miklós
DUDÁS • W. Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by Tompa Gábor
DRAGON • Molnár Ferenc: Mr. Doctor, directed by Mózes István
JAN • Albert Camus: The Misunderstanding, directed by Tompa Gábor
THE ACTIVE PISTI • Örkény István: Pisti in the Bloodbath, directed by Vincze János
PÁLINKÁS GYURKA • Lázár Ervin: Bab Berci, directed by Mózes István

1991/1992 Season
LÁSZLÓ • Molnár Ferenc: The Devil, directed by Szabó Ágnes
DRAGON • Jevgenyij Svarc: The Dragon, directed by Bocsárdi László
MR. MARTIN • E. Ionesco: The Bald Prima Donna, directed by Tompa Gábor

1990/1991 Season
OTTÓ • Katona József: Bánk Bán, directed by Árkosi Árpád
LABODA PÉTER • Heltai Jenő: Naphtalene, directed by Tompa Gábor
OLIVER • W. Shakespeare: As You Like It, directed by Tompa Gábor
THE YOUNG SCHWARTZ • Szigligeti Ede: Liliomfi, directed by Boér Ferenc, Csíky András, László Gerő, Tompa Gábor

1989/1990 Season
PROBUS • Székely János: The Governer of Caligula, directed by Tompa Gábor
AUGUST DE FRILLET • Müller Péter: Unmitigated Truth, directed by Parászka Miklós
OLIVER • W. Shakespeare: As You Like It, directed by Tompa Gábor

1988/1989 Season
THE RUDE FELLOW• Kao Hszing-csien: The Bus Station, directed by Tompa Gábor
BARADLAY RICHÁRD • Jókai Mór: The Heartless Man's Sons, directed by Dehel Gábor

Other roles, performances:
RICA VENTURIANO • I.L. Caragiale: Stormy Night
MOZART • Peter Schaffer: Amadeus
WOLAND • after Gogol: The Mantle, Romanian National Theatre, Cluj
M. Maniutiu: Comrade Frankenstein, Beloved Leader

HE • La chante de la coulevre, Franciaország
FATHER • Kosztolányi Dezső: The Canary, Hungary
THE DOCTOR• Slow Virus, Hungary

Individual performances:
The Soldier's tale– Stravinsky (The Golden Plate Archive of Romanian Radio)
Apokalyps – Muk Bence
Marin Sorescu: Jonah

Collaborated with Romanian National Radio-Theatre, Bucuresti, Radio France Cultural, Bartók Radio, Budapest, Romanian Television, Pro 7 - Germany, Simphonic Orchestras of Craiova, Constanta and Cluj, Bucureşti Radio, Nottara Theatre, Bucureşti, Comedy Theatre, Bucureşti, Romanian National Theatre Cluj, Silviu Purcărete Company (Lyon).

Worked with directors: Tompa Gábor, Mihai Măniutiu, Silviu Purcărete, Vlad Mugur, David Zinder (Izrael), Kincses Elemér, Harry Eliad, Mona Chirilă, Bocsárdi László, etc.

Participated at tours in the following countries: 
United Kingdom, Finnland, Portugal, Germany, France, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Ireland, etc.

Directions and directing collaborations:
Franz Wedekind: Spring's Awakening
Albert Camus: The Misunderstanding
Matei Vişniec: Ok, Mama, but these…
A. P. Chekhov: The Wedding
Ch. Marlowe: The Tragical History of Doktor Faustus (director's assistant)

Lecturer of the following disciplines at the BBU's Cathedra for Theatre Arts:
Dramatic exercise, Improvisation, Diction. More than three actor generations graduated under his leading, actors who work at the moment in different theatres of Romania.

Curses in other countries:
Santart - Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2004

2007 - The Best Actor in a Leading Role Award - for the role of Zoe in the performance The Lost Letter (Romanian Comedy Festival, Bucharest)
2003 - Bánffy Miklós Award, Hungarian Theatre of Cluj

Performes in Hungarian, Romanian, French and English.
Initiator of the GALACTORIA Graduates Gala, Cluj (first in 2004)

Artistic activity at the Hungarian Theatre


director's assistant - Christopher Marlowe: The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu