Hilda Péter
Enikő Györgyjakab
Júlia Albert
Andrea Vindis
Eszter Tompa
Tünde Skovrán
Júlia Laczó
Athenian Woman
Melinda Kántor
Corinthian Woman
Réka Csutak
Spartan Woman
Andrea Kali
The Daughter of the Corinthian Woman
Éva Imre
Young Spartan Women
Noémi Daróczi, Krisztina Biró
Gábor Viola
Loránd Váta
Miklós Bács
Lehel Salat
Ferenc Sinkó
Alpár Fogarasi
The Spartan Herald
Szabolcs Balla
The Nurse
Róbert Laczkó Vass
The Senators
Szabolcs Balla, Levente Imecs
Ferenc Sinkó, Eszter Tompa, Róbert Laczkó Vass, Andrea Vindis, Levente Imecs, Éva Imre
The Fool
Anikó Pethő
directed by
Dominique Serrand
András Visky, Noémi Krisztina Nagy
set design
Dominique Serrand
costume design
Dominique Serrand, Carmencita Brojboiu
director's assistant
Tom Dugdale
stage manager
Péter Mixtay, Imola Kerezsy
musical coordinator
Katalin G. Incze
Date of the opening: October 08, 2010
Adaptation by George Theodoridis
A play I had never seen.
Nor even read until late in my life.
A Catholic pupil during my childhood could not read in school a text of such sexuality, vulgarity and lack of morals, but only of Christian morality.
However, I regret not having read it earlier and having missed the shock-wave, the disturbing experience.
When I finally discover it, I am both stunned and comforted.
The awful representation of the elders, bitter and mean, the cynicism of the married women, the young people manipulating and lying for their own ends, and then this foolish idea, cynical too, that a sex strike could stop the war – Aristophanes offers a biting parody.
It is therefore with this regret at having discovered this play at such a late stage in my life, at a time when its cynicism comforted my own, that I feel like paying a tribute to my younger self, and having my memory reinvent this reading, as if it took place at the age, when the heart is agitated and fooled by very incomprehensible ideas. I like to believe naively that maybe a sex strike could really put an end to wars.
(Dominique Serrand)