Sepsiszentgyörgy, 1978

Hilda Péter

Place and date of birth: Sfântu-Gheorghe, 2 August, 1978

1993–1997 • Mikes Kelemen Theoretic Lyceum, Sfântu-Gheorghe
1997–2001 • Szentgyörgyi István Faculty for Theatre Arts - Târgu-Mureş (Leading professor: Levente Kovács)

2001-2006 - member of the Tamási Áron Theatre, Sfântu-Gheorghe

since September 2006 - actor at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj

Played Parts at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj:

2010/2011 Season
LYSISTRATA - Aristophanes: Lysistrata or The City of Women, directed by Elie Malka
2009/2010 Season
TSITSKEIVA - Hanoch Levin: Winter Funeral , directed by Elie Malka
WIFE – András Visky: Born for Never, directed by Gábor Tompa
2008/2009 Season 
IRINA - A.P. Chekhov: Three Sisters, directed by Gábor Tompa
MARGARET OF ANJOU, WIDOW OF HENRY VI-William Shakespeare: Richard III, directed by Gábor Tompa
2007/2008 Season 
VARVARA ALEXANDROVNA - Danilo Kiš: A Tomb for Boris Davidovich, directed by Robert Raponja
THE GENERAL'S WIFE - Thoams Bernhard: The Hunting Party, directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
CIESCA I - Giacomo Puccini: Gianni Schicchi, directed by Silviu Purcărete
SOFIA ALEXANDROVNA (SONIA) – A. P. Chekhov: Uncle Vanya, directed by Andrei Şerban

2006/2007 Season
DAUGHTER OF JERUSALIM – Song of Songs, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
MIMI – Aki Kaurismäki: La Vie de Bohème, directed by Radu-Alexandru Nica
WIFE – András Visky: Long Friday, directed by Gábor Tompa
BABYFACED DEMON – Varró Dániel - Presser Gábor: Beyond the Smudgy Mountain, directed by Attila Keresztes

Played Parts at the Tamási Áron Theatre, Sfântu-Gheorghe:
HYPPIA – Madách Imre: The Tragedy of Man, directed by Árpád Árkosi
OLGA – Tadeusz Slobodzianek: Prophet Ilya, directed by László Bocsárdi
EUGENIA– G. Feydeau: Flea in Her Ear, directed by István Kövesdy
REGINAThe Miracle, (after Tamási Áron’s play Singing Bird), directed by László Bocsárdi
JULIET – W. Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, directed by László Bocsárdi
ANGELA – C. Gozzi: The King Stag, directed by István Kövesdy
EURYDIKE – Sophocles: Antigona, directed by László Bocsárdi
SHEN TEH and SHUI TALooking for a Good Man! (after Bertolt Brecht’s The Good Person of Szechwan), directed by László Bocsárdi
BRIDE, MAID – Gyúrkó László: The Sadface, directed by Kövesdy István
GALATEA – Balassi Bálint: Beautiful Hungarian Comedy, directed by Viola Török
EMILIA – W. Shakespeare: Othello, directed by László Bocsárdi
NURSE – Euripides: Medeia, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
LUCKY – Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot, directed by Gábor Tompa
WOMAN – Tamási Áron: The Poplar Leaf, directed by Viola Török
ENDREI – Kálmán-Békeffy-Kellér: Sylvia, directed by Attila Keresztes
WITCH – W. Shakespeare: Macbeth, directed by David Zinder
PEGEEN MIKE – John Millington Synge: The Playboy of the Western World, directed by László Bocsárdi

Played Parts at Faculty:

– Ebb-Kander-Masterhoff: Cabaret, directed by Levente Kovács, 2000
ANA PETROVNA – A.P. Chekhov: Platonov, directed by Gábor Rusznyák, 2001
THE CLOWN – W. Shakespeare: Twelth Night, directed by Eszter Novák, 2001


Best Couple Award, International Theatre Festival “Atelier” Sfântu-Gheorghe, 2003

The Award of the Ministry of Cultural and Religious Affairs - (for the role of JULIET in Romeo and Juliet, directed by László Bocsárdi), 2003

The Award of the Theatre Union of Romania (UNITER):
Best Female Actress Award (for the role of SHEN TEH and SHUI TA in The Good Person of Szechwan, directed by László Bocsárdi), 2004 - nomination
The Award for the Best Actress in a Secondary Role – (for the role of LUCKY in Waiting for Godot, directed by Gábor Tompa), 2005

The Award of the Hungarian Theatre Critics:
Best Female Actress in a Secondary Role  -  (for the role of LUCKY in Waiting for Godot, directed by Gábor Tompa, 2006)

The Award for the Best Actress at the 46th Golden Orange Film Festival in Antalya (Turkey) (for the role of Katalin Varga in the film: Katalin Varga), 2009

• The Award for the Best Actress at the European Film Festival in Brussels (for the role of Katalin Varga in the film: Katalin Varga), 2009

• The Award for the Best Actress at the International Film Festival in Arad - RoIFF (for the role of Katalin Varga in the film: Katalin Varga), 2009

• Nomination for The BIFA Award (British International Film Award) for the Most Promising Newcomer (for the role of Katalin Varga in the film: Katalin Varga), 2009

Parts at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj:


Lysistrata - Aristophanes: Lysistrata or The City of Women, directed by Dominique Serrand


Tsitskeiva, mother of Popotshenko - Hanoch Levin: Winter Funeral, directed by Elie Malka


Margaret of Anjou, widow of Henry VI - William Shakespeare: Richard III, directed by Gábor Tompa
Irina - A.P. Chekhov: Three Sisters, directed by Gábor Tompa


Varvara Alexandrovna - Danilo Kiš: A Tomb for Boris Davidovich, directed by Robert Raponja
General's Wife - Thomas Bernhard: The Hunting Party, directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
Ciesca I - Giacomo Puccini: Gianni Schicchi, directed by Silviu Purcărete


Mimi - Aki Kaurismäki: La Vie de Bohème, directed by Radu Alexandru Nica
Wife - András Visky: Long Friday, directed by Gábor Tompa
Babyfaced Demon - Dániel Varró - Gábor Presser: Beyond the Smudgy Mountain, directed by Attila Keresztes


Lucky - Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot, directed by Gábor Tompa