Place and date of Birth: Târgu-Mureş, Romania, April 13, 1957
Associate Artistic Director, Dramaturg, member of the Széchenyi Academy of Letters and Arts (Budapest), Associate Professor Ph.D. at the University of Babes-Bolyai, Faculty of Theatre and Television, Artistic Supervisor of the INTERFERENCES 2012 International Theatre Festival.
Visiting professor, guest lecturer, workshops:
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (Budapest), Northern Illinois University (DeKalb IL), Calvin College (Grand Rapids MI), University of Michigan (Kalamazoo MI), University of California (San Diego CA), Yale School of Drama (New Have CT), Károli Gáspár University (Budapest), Josia International University (Tokyo, Japan), Osaka University (Osaka, Japan).
Produced works:
2012 - Porn - Theatre Y, Chicago, USA, directed by Éva Patkó
2012 - I Killed My Mother - La MaMa Experimental Theatre, New York, directed by Karin Coonrod
2012 - Porno - Théâtre de l'Odéon, directed by Thomas Quillardet
2012 - I Killed My Mother - Gárdonyi Géza Színház, Eger, Hungary, directed by Árpád Sata
2012 - I Killed My Mother - Kamaraszínház, Arad, Romania, directed by András Visky
2011 - I Killed My Mother - Hungarian State Theatre, Cluj, Romania, directed by Albert Csilla and Dimény Áron
2011 - Porn - National Theatre of Budapest, directed by Mari Nagy
2010 - I Killed my Mother - Green House Theatre, directed by Karin Conrood
2010 - Juliet - Royal George Theatre, directed by Karin Conrood
2010 - Green Relief - Grand Rapits Art Museum, directed by András Visky, curator: Austin Bunn
2010 - Megöltem az anyámat [I Killed my Mother] - National Theatre of Szeged, directed by Géza Bodolay
2010 - Alkoholisták [Alcoholics] - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa
2009 - Visszaszületés [Born for Never] - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa
2009 - Alkoholisták [Alcoholics] - Gárdonyi Géza Theatre of Eger, directed by Menyhért Szegvári
2008 - Julieta [Juliet] - National Theatre of Iaşi, directed by Ioana Petcu
2007 - Disciples - SummerNITE Company, Elgin Art Showcase, Chicago, directed by Christopher Markle
2007 - Juliet - Tamási Áron Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe, directed by László Bocsárdi, performed by Éva Ruszuly
2007 - Hosszú péntek [Long Friday] - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa
2006 - Disciples - Laboratory Theater, Calvin College, Grand Rapids MI, directed by Stephanie Sandberg
2006 - Juliet - SummerNITE Company - Theatre Y, New American Theatre, Rockford IL, directed by Christopher Markle, performed by Melissa Hawkins
2005 - Tanítványok [Disciples] - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa
2005 - A szökés [The Escape], Tompa Miklós Company of the National Theatre of Târgu Mureş, directed by Éva Patkó
2005 - Julieta [Juliet], National Theatre of Cluj, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu, performed by Vava Ştefănescu
2004 - A meg nem született [The unborn], performed by János Kulka, Vígszínház, Budapest (guest performance: New York)
2003 - Vasárnapi iskola [Sunday School], Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gyōrgy Selmeczi
2002 - Júlia [Juliet], Thália Theatre, Budapest and Hungarian Theatre of Cluj. directed by Gábor Tompa. Special performances in Bucharest, New York, and Washington D.C.
2001 - Tanítványok [Disciples], Csokonai Theatre, Debrecen, directed by József Jámbor
Collaborated as dramaturg at the following performances of Hungarian Theatre of Cluj:
2013/2014 Season:
Caravaggio Terminal, a project by András Visky & Robert Woodruff • directed by Robert Woodruff
Johannes von Tepl: The Ploughman and the Death • directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
2012/2012 Season:
Freefall adaptation after Caragiale: Leonida Gem Session • directed by Gábor Tompa
2011/2012 Season:
Charles Mee: A Perfect Wedding • directed by Karin Coonrod
Róbert Lakatos - Cecília Felméri: Drakulatour - or The Brand Stroker Project • directed by Róbert Lakatos
Thomas Vinterberg - Mogens Rukov - Bo Hr. Hansen: Celebration • directed by Robert Woodruff
2010/2011 Season:
Albert Camus: Caligula • directed by Mihai Măniuțiu
Marin Držić: Dundo Maroje • directed by Robert Raponja
Georg Büchner: Leonce and Lena • directed by: Gábor Tompa
András Visky: Alcoholics • directed by: Gábor Tompa
Aristophanes: Lysistrata, or the City of Women • directed by: Dominique Serrand
2008/2009 Season:
A.P. Chekhov: Three Sisters • directed by: Gábor Tompa
2007/2008 Season:
Danilo Kiš: A Tomb for Boris Davidovich • directed by: Robert Raponja
Henrik Ibsen: Peer Gynt • directed by David Zinder
Thomas Bernhard: The Hunting Party • directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
2006/2007 Season:
Song of Songs • directed by: Mihai Măniuţiu
András Visky : Long Friday • directed by Gábor Tompa
2005/2006 Season:
I. L. Caragiale: A lost letter • directed by Gábor Tompa
András Visky : Disciples • directed by Gábor Tompa
2004/2005 Season:
Carlo Goldoni: The Little Square • directed by Mona Chirilă
2003/2004 Season:
E. Ionesco: Jacques or Obedience • directed by Gábor Tompa
2002/2003 Season:
Benjamin Britten – György Selmeczi – András Visky: Sunday School or Noah's Fludde • directed by György Selmeczi
2000/2001 Season:
William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet • directed by Attila Keresztes
1999/2000 Season:
Samuel Beckett: Endgame • directed by Gábor Tompa
Molière: The Misanthrope • directed by Gábor Tompa
1998/1999 Season:
W. Shakespeare: The Tempest • directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
1997/1998 Season:
Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida • directed by Gábor Tompa
1996/1997 Season:
Eugène Ionesco: The Chairs • directed by Vlad Mugur
Mihály Vörösmarty: Csongor and Tünde • directed by Tibor Csizmadia
1995/1996 Season:
Lope de Vega: The Gardener's Dog • directed by László Bocsárdi
Ferenc Molnár : Liliom • directed by István Kövesdy
W. Gombrowicz: Operetta • directed by Gábor Tompa
Péter Kárpáti : The Fruit of Your Womb • directed by László Bérczes
1994/1995 Season:
Milán Füst: Mrs. Máli • directed by Árpád Árkosi
Mihail Bulgakov: The Intrigue of the Hypocrites • directed by Gábor Tompa
Shakespeare: Twelfth Night • directed by Victor Ioan Frunză
Carlo Goldoni: Quarrels at Chioggia• directed by Árpád Árkosi
1993/1994 Season:
János Székely: Moors • directed by Gábor Tompa
1992/1993 Season:
Lázár Ervin: The Adventures of Bab Berci • directed by István Mózes
Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream • directed by Gábor Tompa
László Márton: The Ambitious • directed by Miklós Parászka
Sándor Hunyady: Castle in Transilvania • directed by Gábor Dehel
1991/1992 Season:
Eugene Ionesco: The Bald Prima Donna • directed by Gábor Tompa
1990/1991 Season:
S. Mrozek: Police • directed by Árpád Árkosi
Shakespeare: As You Like It • directed by Gábor Tompa
Demény Attila: Haláltáncjáték (Hungarian Opera of Cluj, 2002; CD: Hungaroton, 2002 [HCD 32136])
Demény Attila: Parafarm (Hungarian Opera of Cluj, 1992; CD: Hungaroton, 2002 [HCD 32136])
Radio plays:
Sugárkirálylány és Árnyékherceg avagy Miért van árnyéka a fénynek? (Hungarian Radio, Budapest, 2007), directed by Orsolya Lehoczky
Julieta [Juliet], (National Radio Theatre, Bucharest, 2005), directed by Gábor Tompa
Júlia [Juliet], (Kossuth Radio, Budapest, 2000), directed by Anikó Varsányi
Vércseh (Kossuth Radio, Budapest, 1994), directed by Anikó Varsányi
As author:
Patraszállás [Disembarkation], poems. Bucharest: 1982.
Fotóiskola haladóknak [Photo School for the Advanced], poems. Bucharest: 1988.
Hóbagoly [Great White Owl], poems. Budapest: 1992.
Romániai magyar négykezesek [Romanian Hungarian Pieces for Four Hands], poems with Gábor Tompa. Pécs: 1994.
Hamlet elindul [Hamlet Sets Off], theatre criticism and studies. Târgu Mureş, Chicago: 1996.
Reggeli csendesség [Morning Quiet], essays. Budapest: 1996.
Goblen [Goblen], poems. Pécs: 1998.
Aranylevél [Golden Leaf], poems. Budapest, Cluj: 1999.
Betlehemi éjszaka [Bethlehem Night], children's story. Cluj, 1999. This title also appeared in English and Romanian.
Írni és (nem) rendezni [To Write and (Not) Direct], writings on the theory of theatre, Cluj: 2002.
Fals tratat de convietuire [A False Treaty for Co-existence], novel in Romanian with Daniel Vighi and Alexandru Vlad. Cluj: 2002.
Ha megh [If I Should Die], poems. Cluj: 2003.
Júlia [Juliet], play. Budapest: 2003.
Tiramisu, two plays. Cluj: 2006
A szökés [The Escape], plays. Cluj: 2006
A különbözőség vidékén [On the Territory of Difference], essays. Budapest: 2007
Juliet, play. Carol Stream IL: 2007
Gyáva embert szeretsz [You Love a Coward Man], poems. Cluj: 2008
Megváltozhat-e egy ember [Can a Man Change?], essays. Cluj: 2009
Books about him:
Mint aki látja a hangot [As One that Sees the Sound], Márti Sipos in dialogue with András Visky. Budapest: 2009
As editor:
Kolozsvár magyar színháza [The Hungarian Theatre of Cluj], with co editors Lajos Kántor and József Kōtő. Cluj: 1992.
A hely szelleme [The Spirit of Place], an anthology of contemporary Hungarian drama. Cluj: 1992.
Színház és rítus [Theatre and Ritual], studies in the theatre of Áron Tamási. Sfântu Gheorge: 1997.
As contributor:
Új Magyar Shakespeare-tár I [New Hungarian Shakespeare Collection I], edited by Tibor Fabiny and István Géher. Budapest: 1988.
Felūtés. Írások a magyar alternatív színházról [Upbeat. Writings About Alternative HungarianTheatre], edited by Tibor Várszegi. Budapest, 1992.
Fordulatok. Magyar Színházak 1992 [Turnings. Hungarian Theatre 1992], edited by Tibor Várszegi. Budapest: 1992.
Central Europe Now!, almanac from Young Writers' Meeting. Archa Bratislava: 1994.
Tolnai-Szimpózium [Tolnai Symposium], edited by Beáta Thomka. Budapest, 2004.
Romanian Writers Union, Bucharest.
Hungarian Fiction Writers Union, Budapest.
The International Hungarological Union, Budapest.
Honorary Member of József Attila Kör [József Attila Circle of Writers].
Literary Awards, Prizes
1991 - Látó Nívó Award, (essay award)
1992 - A legjobb librettóért járó díj, (best libretto award)
1993 - Poesis Award. (poetry award).
1993 - IRAT ALAP (Budapest) Nívó Díj, (poetry award).
1993 - Zsigmond Móricz Ōsztōndíj, (scholarship).
1993 - Európa - 1968 Award, (radio play award).
1994 - Tanulmányút Bali szigetére (Study abroad award in Bali, Indonesia).
1995 - Soros Foundation Scholarship
1995 - Látó Nívó Award (for poetry).
1995 - Soros Foundation Award
2000 - EMKE Award (for dramaturgy)
2000 - Látó Nívó Award (for drama).
2001 - Salvatore Quasimodo Award (for poetry)
2002 - Ernő Szép Díj (for drama, Hungarian Ministry of Culture, Budapest)
2002 - Gáspár Károli Díj (for literature, Hungarian Ministry of Culture, Budapest)
2002 - Hangjáték Pályázat Díj, (radio play award, Budapest).
2004 - Év Kōnyve Díj, (best book of the year award in the category of drama).
2005 - Rát Mátyás Életmű Díj (for „opera omnia”)
2007 - Special Prize of the jury of the National Theatre Festival of Pécs, Hungary (work as author and dramaturge of the play Long Friday)
2008 - Bánffy Miklós Award
2009 - József Attila Award
2017 - Szép Ernő Award
dramaturgy - William Shakespeare:
Hamlet, directed by Gábor Tompa
dramaturgy - Eugène Ionesco:
Macbett, directed by Silviu Purcărete
directed by - Visky András:
directed by - György Dragomán:
dramaturg - Maxim Gorky:
The Lower Depths, directed by Yuri Kordonsky
dramaturg - Franz Kafka:
Amerika, directed by Michal Dočekal
dramaturg - William Shakespeare:
Julius Caesar, directed by Silviu Purcărete
dramaturg - Freefall adaptation after Caragiale:
Leonida Gem Session, directed by Gábor Tompa
dramaturg - Albert Camus:
Caligula, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
dramaturg - Marin Držić:
Dundo Maroje, directed by Robert Raponja
dramaturg - Georg Büchner:
Leonce and Lena, directed by Gábor Tompa
dramaturg - András Visky:
Alcoholics, directed by Gábor Tompa
dramaturg - András Visky:
Born for Never, directed by Gábor Tompa
dramaturg - Georg Büchner:
Danton's Death, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
dramaturg - William Shakespeare:
Richard III, directed by Gábor Tompa
dramaturg - A.P. Chekhov:
Three Sisters, directed by Gábor Tompa
dramaturg - Adaptation by Mihai Măniuţiu:
Song of Songs, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
dramaturg - András Visky:
Long Friday, directed by Gábor Tompa
dramaturg - Sophocles:
Oedipus the King, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
dramaturg - I.L. Caragiale:
The Lost Letter, directed by Gábor Tompa
dramaturg - András Visky:
Disciples, directed by Gábor Tompa
dramaturgy - Eugène Ionesco:
THE CHAIRS, directed by Vlad Mugur
dramaturgy - Witold Gombrowicz:
OPERETTA, directed by Gábor Tompa
dramaturgy - Eugène Ionesco:
THE BALD SOPRANO, directed by Gábor Tompa