Péter Esterházy

Én vagyok a te [I Am You]

Reading performance, with the author's presence


Réka Csutak
Attila Orbán
Enikő Györgyjakab
András Buzási
Stage directions
Melinda Kántor
Angel's choir
Éva Imre
Angel's choir
Rita Sigmond
Angel's choir
Csaba Marosán
Angel's choir
Zsolt Vatány

directed by
András Visky
stage manager
Zsolt Györffy

Date of the opening: november 26, 2013

Péter Esterházy wrote his drama Én vagyok a te [I am You] in response to an invitation from the National Theatre of Budapest. The play is a theatre “interpretation” of the first of the ten commandments. The drama will be presented as a reading performance, followed by a talk with the author about writing, theatre, home and history, with special attention to his newest novel, Egyszerű történet vessző száz oldal (a kardozós változat) [Simple Story Comma One Hundred Pages. The Sword-Brandishing Version], which was presented at the Budapest Book Festival this year.
The Péter Esterházy evening is supported by Szépírók Társasága.
The evening’s host is András Visky.