Miercurea-Ciuc, 1964

Zsolt Bogdán

Place and date of birth: Miercurea-Ciuc, December 23, 1964

1990-1994 Szentgyörgyi István Faculty for Theatre Arts - Târgu-Mureş
Since September 1st 1994 - actor at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj

His website:

Current parts


Justin, emperor of New Byzantium - Pornocracy, directed by István Szabó K.


Vizy Kornél - after Kosztolányi Dezső: Édes Anna, directed by István Szabó K.


Oceanus - Adaptation after Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound by Ágnes KALI and Gábor TOMPA: PROMETHEUS'22, directed by Gábor Tompa
Macbett - Eugène Ionesco: Macbett, directed by Silviu Purcărete


Friar Lawrence - Based on William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, directed by Attila Vidnyánszky Jr.


Tevye, the Dairyman - Sheldon Harnick – Jerry Bock – Joseph Stein: Fiddler on the Roof, directed by László Béres

Parts at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj:


Ádám Csorja, ancestral primogenitor - Tamási Áron: Ancestral Comfort, directed by László Béres


Gaev, Leonid Andreevich - A. P. Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard, directed by Yuri Kordonsky


Father - Susan Sontag: Alice in bed, directed by Dorka Porogi
Jack - Frank Wedekind: Lulu, directed by Enikő Eszenyi


Antonio, Shylock - William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice, directed by Gábor Tompa


Roy M. Cohn, a successful New York lawyer and unofficial power broker - Tony Kushner: Angels in America II. - Perestroika, directed by: Victor Ioan Frunză
Roy M. Cohn, a successful New York lawyer and unofficial power broker, Prior I, the ghost of a dead Prior Walter from the thirteenth century - Tony Kushner: Angels in America I. - Millenium Approaches, directed by: Victor Ioan Frunză


Luka - Maxim Gorky: The Lower Depths, directed by Yuri Kordonsky


Axel - August Strindberg: The Pelican, directed by Felix Alexa
Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, directed by Silviu Purcărete


Zucker - George Tabori: Requiem for a Spy, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu
Attila, Irén's housband - Béla Pintér: Szutyok [Filth], directed by István Kövesdy
Tipptopp - Csokonai Vitéz Mihály: The Widow of Mr. Karnyó and the Two Rascals, directed by Attila Keresztes
The Mayor - Friedrich Dürrenmatt: The Visit, directed by Gábor Tompa
The Housband - Nona Ciobanu: Who Shuts the Night, directed by Nona Ciobanu
Saint-Galmier - Georges Feydeau – M. Desvallières: The Lovers of Loches, directed by Alexandru Dabija


Aurel - Miroslav Krleža: Leda, directed by Robert Raponja
Charles Paumelle, Victor's father - Roger Vitrac: Victor, or Power to the Children, directed by Silviu Purcărete
Jan Dítě - Bohumil Hrabal: I Served the King of England, directed by Michal Dočekal


Efimița - Freefall adaptation after Caragiale: Leonida Gem Session, directed by Gábor Tompa


Francois - Charles Mee: A Perfect Wedding, directed by Karin Coonrod
Jean - August Strindberg: Miss Julie, directed by Felix Alexa
Jörgen Tesman - Henrik Ibsen: Hedda Gabler, directed by Andrei Şerban
Papa Ubu - Alfred Jarry: Ubu the King, directed by Alain Timar
Helge - Thomas Vinterberg – Mogens Rukov – Bo Hr. Hansen: Celebration, directed by Robert Woodruff


Beppo - The Mute Knight, directed by Lehel Salat
Kisfejű Nagyfejű Zordonbordon - Ervin Lázár: The Four-square Round Forest, directed by István Albu
Vsevolod Meyerhold - An evening with Matei Vişniec - Richard III. forbidden, directed by Éva Patkó
Pomet Trpeza - Marin Držić: Dundo Maroje, directed by Robert Raponja
Angelo - William Shakespeare: Measure for Measure, directed by Matthias Langhoff


Latchek Bobichek, bachelor - Hanoch Levin: Winter Funeral, directed by Elie Malka
Dracula, Van Helsing - Dracula the Clown, set and costume design: Matthew Ridout
Bergman - Ingmar Bergman: Cries and Whispers, directed by Andrei Şerban
The Director / The Father - András Visky: Born for Never, directed by Gábor Tompa


Richard, Duke of Gloucester, afterwards King Richard III - William Shakespeare: Richard III, directed by Gábor Tompa
Aleksandr Ignatyevich Vershinin - A.P. Chekhov: Three Sisters, directed by Gábor Tompa


Old Peer - Henrik Ibsen: Peer Gynt, directed by David Zinder
Simone - Giacomo Puccini: Gianni Schicchi, directed by Silviu Purcărete
Michail Lvovich Astroff - A. P. Chekhov: Uncle Vanya, directed by Andrei Şerban


Page - William Shakespeare: The Merry Wives of Windsor, directed by Attila Keresztes
Schaunard - Aki Kaurismäki: La Vie de Bohème, directed by Radu Alexandru Nica
Brother - András Visky: The Escape, dramaturg: Zsolt Láng
Head - András Visky: Long Friday, directed by Gábor Tompa
Sad Red Bucket - Dániel Varró - Gábor Presser: Beyond the Smudgy Mountain, directed by Attila Keresztes
Ittamar Yaakobi - Hanoch Levin: Ya'acobi and Leidental, directed by Elie Malka


John - András Visky: Disciples, directed by Gábor Tompa


The Unfaithful Husband - Compiled from gipsy stories by Alan Lyddiard and Kinga Kelemen: Black Eyed Roses, directed by Alan Lyddiard
Woyzeck - Georg Büchner: Woyzeck, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
Count - Carlo Goldoni: The Little Square, directed by Mona Chirilă
John Marston - Olga Barabás: Enigmatic Story, directed by Olga Barabás
Big Dumpy, The King of Patologia, Sandakhan - Muszty Bea -Dobay András: The Miracle Cake, directed by Attila Keresztes


Gregers Werle, his son - Henrik Ibsen: The Wild Duck, directed by Attila Keresztes
Ludovico Nota, novelist - Luigi Pirandello: Clothing the Naked, directed by László Bocsárdi


Faustus - Christopher Marlowe: The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
Adam, Noe - Benjamin Britten – Selmeczi György – Visky András: Sunday School or Noah's Flood, directed by György Selmeczi
LEONTES, the king of Sicily - William Shakespeare: The Winter's Tale, directed by Attila Keresztes
LELIO, writer - Carlo Goldoni: The Comic Theatre, directed by Gábor Rusznyák
Nae Girimea - I. L. Caragiale: Carnival Adventures, directed by Mona Chirilă


Reb Shimshon - After S. Anski: White Fire, Black Fire (DYBBUK), directed by David Zinder
Owen - Brian Friel: Translations, directed by David Grant


Alceste - Molière: The Misanthrope, directed by Gábor Tompa


- Eugène Labiche: The Lourcine Street Affair, directed by Mugur Vlad


- Witold Gombrowicz: OPERETTA, directed by Gábor Tompa


- Mihail Bulgakov: THE CABAL OF HYPOCRITES, directed by Gábor Tompa
2000/2001 Season
LAMBERTO LAUDISI – Luigi Pirandello: Right You Are (If You Think You Are), directed by Vlad Mugur
PROLOGUE – W. Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, directed by Keresztes Attila
LEONARDO – F. G. Lorca: Blood Wedding, directed by Mona Chirilă

1999/2000 Season
CLOV – S. Beckett: Endgame, directed by Tompa Gábor
ALCESTE – Moliere: The Misanthrope, directed by Tompa Gábor
PODKOLJOSZIN – N.V.Gogol: Marriage, directed by Mona Chirilă

1998/1999 Season
CALIBAN – W. Shakespeare: The Tempest, directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
LENGLUME – E. Labiche: The Lourcine Street Affair, directed by Vlad Mugur

1997/1998 Season
CARLOS HOMENIDES DE HISTINGUA – Georges Feydau: Flea in Her Ear, directed by Kövesdy István
THERSITES – W. Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida, directed by Tompa Gábor
LOPAHIN – A.P.Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard, directed by Vlad Mugur

1996/1997 Season
KLEISERMANN MIHÁLY – Parti Nagy Lajos: Ibusár, directed by Kövesdy István
ZANETTO/TONINO – Carlo Goldoni: The Venetian Twins, directed by Vlad Mugur

1995/1996 Season
DROMIO OF EPHESUS- AND SYRACUSE – W. Shakespeare: The Comedy of Errors, directed by Kövesdy István
BANKER – Witold Gombrowicz: Operetta, directed by Tompa Gábor
MISI – Kárpáti Péter: The Fruit of Your Womb, directed by Bérczes László

1994/1995 Season
ACTOR – Tom Stoppard: Rosencrantz and Gulidenstern are dead, directed by Kövesdy István
THE JUST TANNER – Mihail Bulgakov: The Intrigue of the Hypocrites, directed by Tompa Gábor
FABIAN – W. Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, directed by Victor Ioan Frunză
TOFFOLO – Carlo Goldoni: Squabbles at Chioggia, directed by Árkosi Árpád
BOKA JÁNOS – Molnár Ferenc: The Boys of Paal Street, directed by Czeizei Gábor

Other parts:

JEAN-BAPTISTE POQUELIN-MOLIÈRE, FAMOUS ACTOR AND PLAYWRIGHT – Mikhail Bulgakov: The Intrigue of Hypocrites (Molière) – Csíki Játékszín, directed by Dorka Porogi, 2013
Jenő Dsida : „…Nyílt sebe vagyok a szíven szúrt világnak…” – Jenő Dsida podium show, Northern Theatre Harag György Company, directed by István Szugyiczky , 2012
ORESTES – Sophocles: Electra – Athens
CLAUDIUS – W. Shakespeare: Hamlet – National Theatre of Cluj, directed by Vlad Mugur

2011 – FATHER - Superman, Spiderman or Batman, directed by Tudor Giurgiu (short)
2010 - DR. BARABÁSI SÁNDORHeimat, directed by Réka Kincses
2010 -ŢĂNDĂRICĂAglaja - Why Does The Kid Boil in Polenta, directed by Kriszta Deák
2008 – CRABBY JOHNThe Crabby, directed by: Alfréd Wiegmann, Forrás Film production
2007 – LACUIska’s Journey, directed by: Csaba Bollók, Merkel Film production
2005 – RADUDallas Pashamende, directed by: Robert Adrian Pejo
 - „Golden Benjamin Award” for The Best Male Actor in a Leading role, Pécs International Film Festival
 - Award for The Best Male Actor in a Leading role, at the International Film Festival of Aubagne, France
2005 – POGÁNY IMREKivilágos kivirradtig, directed by: Gergely Horváth
2004 – NICU CEAUŞESCUROM-MANIA, directed by: József Nándori
1998 – TS PRESIDENTChinese Deffence, directed by: Gábor Tompa
He has played in several different languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English, German, Ancient Greek


2020 – Hungary’s Outstanding Artist Award
2018 – UNITER Award for the Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Roy Cohn, Angels in America I-II)
2012 – Hungary’s Artist Emeritus award
2011 – UNITER Award for the Best Actor in a Leading Role (Bergman / Cries and Whispers)
2010 – Media Excellency Prize
2008 – Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic
2007 – Special Award –  Festival of Hungarian Theatres’ Abroad - Kisvárda, Hungary (Ya'acobi / Ya'acobi and Leidental)
2006 – Award for the Best Actor in a Leading Role (National de Theatre Festival, Pécs - Hungary)
2006 – „Golden Benjamin Award” for The Best Male Actor in a Leading role, Dallas Pashamende - Pécs International Film Festival
2005 – Best Actor Award, Dallas Pashamende – International Film Festival, Aubagne
2005 – Best Actor Award –  Festival of Hungarian Theatres’ Abroad - Kisvárda, Hungary (Woyzeck / Woyzeck)
2004 – Best Actor Award – Festival of Hungarian Theatres’ Abroad - Kisvárda, Hungary (Young Faustus/ The Tragical History of Doktor Faustus)
2004 – Cultural Order of the Romanian Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs
2004 – UNITER Award for Best Male Actor (Young Faustus/ The Tragical History of Doktor Faustus
2002 – Jászai Mari Award
2000 – Special Award of the International Union of Theatre Critics Romanian sub-agency
1999 – EMKE Award
2001 – Best Actor Award – Festival of Hungarian Theatres’ Abroad - Kisvárda, Hungary  (Alceste / The Misanthope)
1999 - Best Actor Award – Festival of Hungarian Theatres’ Abroad - Kisvárda, Hungary (Leglumé / The Affair of Rue Lourcine)

Award nominations:

2014 - Nominated for the Best Male Actor Award in a Supporting Role of UNITER (Charles Paumelle / Victor, or Power to the Children)
2008 - Nominated for the Best Male Actor Award of UNITER (Aleksandr Ignatyevich Vershinin / Three Sisters)
1999 - Nominated for the Best Male Actor Award of UNITER (Thersites / Troillus and Cressida, Lopahin / The Cherry Orchard)
2000 - Nominated for the Best Male Actor Award of UNITER (Caliban /The Tempest, Lenglume / The Lourcine Street Affair)

Artistic activity at the Hungarian Theatre