Tony Kushner

Angels in America I. - Millenium Approaches

Hungarian translation by László Upor

3h 10' with intermission

Roy M. Cohn, a successful New York lawyer and unofficial power broker
Zsolt Bogdán
Joseph Porter Pitt, chief clerk at the Federal Court of Appeals
Péter Árus
Harper Amaty Pitt, Joe’s wife, an agoraphobic with a mild Valium addiction
Éva Imre
Louis Ironson, a word processor working for the Second Circuit Court of Appeals
Balázs Bodolai
Prior Walter, Louis’s boyfriend, former drag queen
Ervin Szűcs
Hannah Porter Pitt, Joe’s mother, widowed
Emőke Kató
Belize, a registered nurse and former drag queen
Szabolcs Balla
The Angel
Tekla Tordai
Isidor Chemelwitz, an orthodox Jewish rabbi
Emőke Kató
Mr. Lies, Harper’s imaginary friend, a travel agent
Szabolcs Balla
A Voice
Tekla Tordai
Henry, Roy’s doctor
Emőke Kató
Emily, a nurse
Tekla Tordai
Péter Árus
Prior I, the ghost of a dead Prior Walter from the thirteenth century
Zsolt Bogdán
Prior II, the ghost of a dead Prior Walter from the seventeenth century
Péter Árus
Ethel Rosenberg
Emőke Kató

directed by
Victor Ioan Frunză
set and costume design
Adriana Grand
Nóra Balázs
director's assistant
Emőke Veres
stage manager
Pál Böjthe
Date of the opening: december 17, 2017