András Csíky
LEONTES, the king of Sicily
Zsolt Bogdán
MAMILLIUS, his son
Bence Mányoki
Áron Dimény
POLIXENES, king of Bohemia
Szabolcs Tyukodi
FLORIZEL, his son
Csaba Ráduly
Ernő Galló
MUFURC, his son
András Hatházi
HERMIONE, the wife of Leontes
Imola Kézdi
PERDITA, Leontes` and Hermione`s daughter
Edina M. Fodor
Andrea Vindis
Zsuzsa Gajzágó
Molnár Levente / Keresztes Attila
Tibor Bodea, Kinga Csoltkó,
Bernadetta Fekete, MáriaFekete,
Amália Ferenczi, Alpár Fogarasi, Sándor Varga
directed by
Attila Keresztes
set design
Attila Keresztes
music composed by
Zsolt Lászlóffy
costume design
Ágnes Szakács
set design
Tibor Tenkei
stage manager
László Mányoki
Magdolna Lőrinc
Date of the opening: january 31, 2003
Opening date: 31 January 2003
In Sicily two kings, Leontes and Polixenes are celebrating their old friendship. But Leontes' jealousy soon ruins everything: the devoted wife, the accused friend. The story is taken up again after 16 years, in Boemia; more precisely, a new story begins. But can the elapsed time serve to cure the old wound, to assimilate the conscience, or does the story simply repeat? "The romantic play is not holy scripture. So the symbolised story of the man has no beginning, no end; it floats in a permanent dead-point. The whole is just interlude. Between something and something, nothing and nothing, the same and the same. Like life - if we make the essential disappear" - says Istvan Geher in his Shakespeare Reader.