Within everyone there is a dormant child, so fairy tales are loved also by adults, they merely need to be packaged in "adult clothes"!
On March 12th, The Ballad of the Pearl-Haired Girl was presented on the stage of the RaM Colosseum. The very succesful musical tells the coming-of-age story of a young girl, evoking the ancient mythical legends of the shore and the Lake Balaton itself, through her count of her first romantic disillusionment.
You will experience the talent of 24 ExperiDance dancers, five excellent musical theatre actors, and 21 sensational Omega hits! A story experienced by everybody who was ever young and in love!
The Omega band and ExperiDance Production have been working intensely, carefully planning, meticulously coordinating and intensely creating in order to bring this performance to fruition. The protagonists of the production are
György Szomor, Réka Koós, Nelly Fésűs, Ádám Lux, Péter R. Kárpáti, Panna Bogi Simon and
Viktória Békefi, while the musical also features world-renowed hit songs.