Place and Date of Birth: Cluj-Napoca, 19 February, 1945
1962-1966- Institute for Theatre Arts "Szentgyörgyi István", Târgu-Mureş
1966-1969 – member of the "Csíky Gergely" Theatre, Timişoara
1969- member of the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Parts played at the Csíky Gergely Theatre, Timişoara:
JOAN - George Bernard Shaw: Saint Joan, directed by Rappaport Ottó
HELENE - Eugene Labiche: Florentine straw hat, directed by Anatol Constantin
GABBY - R. E. Sherwood: The Petrified Forest, directed by Anatol Constantin
ALTA – Camil Petrescu: Venetian Act, directed by Rappaport Ottó
SECRETARY – Aurel Baranga: My Friend is a Minister, directed by Emil Josan
MAGDA – Mihail Sebastian: Breaking News, directed by Szombati Gille Ottó
TITI –Sergiu Fărcăşan: Hampered Respiration, directed by Marcus Eugen
Parts Played at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj:
SARI – Heltai Jenő: The Girls from Tunderlak, directed by Horváth Béla
MANCI – Oproiu Ecaterina: I am not the Eiffel Tower, directed by Bereczky Júlia
DORCAS – W. Shakespeare: Winter Tale, directed by Major Tamás
GIRL – D. R. Popescu: Those Sad Angels, directed by Taub János
MARY TOTH – Mikszáth Kálmán: The Young Noszty’s Affair with Mary Tóth, directed by Bereczky Péter
MIRA – Paul Everac: The Lodger, directed by Rapparort Ottó
ANTOINETTE – Georges Feydeau: Flea in Her Ear, directed by Ban Ernest
MARI – Gyárfás Miklós: Mouse Way, directed by Márton János
ROZSI – Móricz Zsigmond, Szigligeti Ede: The Striped, directed by Ban Ernest
SCHOOLGIRL – Mihail Sebastan: The Unnamed Star, directed by Bereczky Péter
ANA - Dobozi Imre: We'll Continue Tomorrow, directed by Rapparort Ottó
ELSIE – William Saroyan: The Time of our Life, directed by Rácz György
TOTI DORKA – Gvadányi József: The Notary of Peleske, directed by Horváth Béla
SIN – Bertolt Brecht: The Good Person of Sezuan, directed by Major Tamás
CELIMENE – Moliére: The School for Wives, directed by Márton János
CIRMUSKA – Sinkó Zoltán: The Fourleg Duck, directed by Kincses Elemér
ALICE – Victor Eftimiu: The Tramp, our Relative, directed by Kincses Elemér
KLARIKA – Jókai Mór: Two Willows of Nagyenyed, directed by Horváth Béla
ANA- Victor Ion Popa: What a Confusion, directed by Hans Schuschnig
JULIE – Victorien Sardou: Madame Sans-Gene, directed by Bereczky Júlia
MELANIA - Oproiu Ecaterina: Interview, directed by Horváth Béla
MARIA – Eduardo de Filippo: Phantom Lovers, directed by Horváth Béla
LUDMILA – Valentin Kataev: Squaring the Circle, directed by Horváth Béla
MARY – Mihnea Gheorghiu: Pathetica’77, directed by Harag György
OTILIA – Aurel Baranga: My Friend is a Minister, directed by Dan Alecsandrescu
THE RED – Ödön von Horváth: Men for Seliste, directed by Márton János
PRINCESS - Danek Oldrich: Forty Rogue and a Lamb Borned Today, directed by Kincses Elemér
THE PRINCESS OF FRANCE – William Shakespeare: Love Labour's Lost, directed by Horváth Béla
POLIKA – Móricz Zsigmond: I can’t live without Music, directed by Harag György
ESZTER – Déry Tibor: An Imaginary Report on an American Pop Festival, directed by Horváth Béla
ERZSI – Nóti Károly: Open Window, directed by Horváth Béla
MARGARETA – Alexandru Kiriţescu: Magpie’s Nest, directed by Szabó Ágnes
VERUSKA – Méhes György: My Dear Children, directed by Dehel Gábor
PIERETTE– Thomas Robert: Eight Women, directed by Dehel Gábor
SHE – Alexander Gelman: The Bench, directed by Dehel Gábor
VETA– I. L. Caragiale: A Stormy Night, directed by Tompa Gábor
ARANKA - Jókai Mór: The Heartless Man’s Sons, directed by Dehel Gábor
IULIA BOGA – Horia Lovinescu: The Boga-Sisters, directed by Vata Virgil Andrei
THE POLICE SERGEANT’S WIFE – Slawomir Mrozek: Police, directed by Árkosi Árpád
PONCIA – Frederico Garcia Lorca: The House of Bernarda Alba, directed by Tompa Miklós
MARIA – Nicolai Erdman: The Suicide, directed by Seprődi Kiss Attila
GERTRUDIS – Katona József: Bank ban, directed by Árkosi Árpád
MOTHER – Spiró György: Chickenhead, directed by Vincze János
MRS. MAROSI – Molnár Ferenc: Mr. Doctor, directed by Mózes István
ERZSEBET – Hunyadi Sándor: Transylvanian Castle, directed by Dehel Gábor
MISS BOLOMBER KERAL: Szilágyi Andor: Oeander and Flax-Petal, directed by Czeizel Gábor
SKIBINSKA- Spiró György: The Impostor, directed by Árkosi Árpád
GERTRUD – Tom Stoppard: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, directed by Kövesdy István
MADELEINE BEJART - Moliére: The Intrigue of the Hypocrites, directed by Tompa Gábor
MOTHER OF ALBERTINKA– W. Gombrowitz: Operetta, directed by Tompa Gábor
MISS PEACHUM – Bertolt Brecht: The Beggar’s Opera, directed by Kövesdy István
SARLOTTA IVANOVNA – A. P. Cekhov: The Cherry Orchard, directed by Vlad Mugur
NORINE – Eugene Labiche: The Lourcine Street Affair, directed by Vlad Mugur
DABBY BRYANT: Timberlake Wertenbaker: Who Needs Theatre?, directed by Bokor Péter
MRS. CINY - Luigi Pirandello: Right You Are (If You Think You are), directed by Vlad Mugur
MRS. SORBY – H. Ibsen: The Wild Duck, directed by Keresztes Attila
BEATRICE - Carlo Goldoni: The Comic Theatre, directed by Rusznyák Gábor
JACQUES MAMA – Eugen Ionesco: Jacques or Obedience, directed by Tompa Gábor
JULIA – Ken Ludwig: Lend Me a Tenor, directed by Bokor Péter