10. 12. 2024

Gábor Tompa to remain President of the Union of European Theatres for another two years

This year's second General Assembly of the Union of European Theatres (UTE) was held on December 8, 2024 at the National Theatre of São João (TNSJ) in Porto, Portugal, as the closing event of the International Dramaturgy Conference jointly organised by the TNSJ and UTE.

During the General Assembly, the members of the Union gathered at the Teatro Carlos Alberto, one of the TNSJ's venues, to discuss the future strategies of the association, elect a new board and decide on projects for the upcoming period.

Following the decision of the General Assembly, Gábor Tompa, Director of the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, was re-elected as President of UTE for another two years. The decision is a confirmation of the vision he represents and the trust placed in his leadership skills.

The members of the renewed Board of Directors are: Florian Hirsch (Vice President), Chief Dramaturg of the National Theatre of Luxembourg, Francisca Carneiro Fernandes (Treasurer), Cultural Manager (Porto), Carme Portaceli, Artistic Director of the Catalan National Theatre of Barcelona, Tamara Vučković Manojlović, Director of the Yugoslav Drama Theatre in Belgrade, Silvia Cabasino, Head of Education and International Relations at Teatro di Roma and Stefan Ivanov, Dramaturg of the Theatre Laboratory Sfumato in Sofia.

The next General Assembly of the Union of European Theatres will take place in spring 2025 in Hungary, at the National Theatre of Miskolc.