21. 01. 2023

George Banu (1943-2023)

He's gone... Leaving a huge, immeasurable void in the world of theatre and in our hearts. A friend to all of us theatre people, a most knowledgeable spectator, an essayist of sublime refinement, a man of culture endowed with infinite curiosity, who paid attention to all of life's finer details, always present in the most difficult moments in the lives of his loved ones in a warm and encouraging way, who was aware of everything that was happening in the world of theatre, music and the visual arts, a collector of "wounded" objects of art, a gentle watchful eye concerned with the smallest of human details, he embraced the World. From Him we only learned Love. He had the right and warmest words for everyone. A living theatrical consciousness, Great Traveler, his work continues to live on and teach us, enriching our souls and minds.
Smooth journey to that Eternal Light, Biță! Send us a ray back! May God rest you in Peace!!!
Gábor Tompa